How about replacing Battle Royale with a no diplo FFA conquest mode

BR failed because it is part of quick play. Quick play is a big disaster. I explained this point of view in the following thread:

Quick play in general fails in being quick. All match ups are unbalanced, so you are always better off with playing in ranked. But ranked also only works if there is a large enough player base.

Note: I already predicted the decline of quick play while they only announced the feature. Things just went like i expected it to go. So it wasnt a surprise to me that quick play just failed to be the quickest way to get into a game. That was and still is Ranked.

I think the best solution is just to delete quick play from the game and add some modes to the ranked queue. I suggest the following:

  • For EW i think the player base will be large enough. I made this assumption based on the hype around the redbull tournaments with EW settings. It is also a game mode the devs wants to push, because they put it into quick play.
  • We can also think about BR (and maybe add different custum scenario, like CBA) to ranked. This is also a new game mode that the devs want to push. Currently it fails because of quick play (= unbalanced games), but it might get popular if the games becomes balances against. People who figure out the meta for BR play against other good people and noobs play against other noobs. That will greatly improve BR. But even then i think BR wont be that popular. So if the devs really wants to push BR, then the can put it into ranked, but i prefer to not have them in ranked because the player base will be too small.
  • You suggests FFA. I dont really feel like there is a large enough player base to have it work in ranked. Currently there is just 1 game in the lobby with FFA in the title. But this is in fact just a 1v1, so i have no idea why FFA is in the lobby title. During typing this post, that lobby disappears. Now there isnt a single FFA lobby to join. Also there are just 2 ongoing matches in the lobby for FFA. Such small player base wont really work for ranked. Too few players to justify a queue in my opinion.
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