How can you change the Architecture set of a civilization?

Basically, I was playing with custom-made civilization, one I initially made by copying Spain, and I still haven’t figure out how to change the architecture set. I’ve already tried changing the “culture” inside civmods, but there was no change at all! Needless to say, I’m new into modding game files, so I really need help on this one. Thankss!!

Hay, there is a lot more behind cultures than just the name in the civ s file ^^
Do you plan to create a new culture, or using an existing one ?

I should have seen that coming!
I’m planning on using the British culture, Western Europe I think that is? So my custom civ can actually stand out from Spain.
I also assume that changing the culture does change the architecture set, am I right?

Update! I had already changed the architecture set the whole time :person_facepalming: Basically, the inside civmods is what changes the civilization appareance. The only thing missing was the house style, since it was HouseMed. Changing it to just House was enough to solve my problem!

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