How does model/animation switching work with attachpoints?

Sorry for the poor title but I’ve been playing around with the art xml files and im stumped on how giving models different weapons/swapping out animation works in reference to attach points.

In the left image we’ve given the militia a different helment and weapon. Luckily everything works (within reason) and our unit will walk about correctly etc.

If i change the attack animation to something else, in this case one of the hypaspist attacks, the sword goes into what looks like an unbound position. It will reset to the correct position when they perform a different action.

Any idea if we can fix this with xmls, or composite files, or somehow in the simdata.simjson?

I try to mess a lot after seeing your post, but Find nothing… Changing the weapon with the normal animation works consistently… But find nothing to change the animation attachment that could be edited, or refered.

Thanks for checking!

I guess we need to wait for the devs to give us some tools or information!

Find almost nothing, but find a way to create some units… WIth some findings

1 - On the left… a copy model for reginleif with different stats… New unit too.
---- As you see, the shield is different, but if I try another one, it will be off place.

2 - Norse villager with the “hirdman” animations. new unit
— The spear is on point. Animations follow nicelly. But not sure it’s very visible, but the shield is stuck INSIDE the unit. Try to use 2 attach points, but both fail. Basket and Rangedweapon.

3 - The egyptian villager get a curious case here. Maybe my print wasn’t so clear. But the sword in her right hand is on point. But the knife in the off hand, is upside down. Just let there because work with the 2 weapons setting. Animation of the fanatic attack. again, working. new unit too.

4 - normal reginleif, again, if not that shield, or theseus one, it you be floating close to her.

Now another cases…

5 - The Valkyrie, got no problem, even if you change her shield, as I did in the Image with the cavalry shield, it goes in place… in this case, to appear you need the techs, or can work around with a little more. Changing Weapons though is a lost case for now. Tried to give a different skin, but the shield hide a little. But work nicelly.

6 - Hero of Ragnarok with this weapon, got no problem with animations whatsoever.

7 - Same with hersir. The axe is 100 functional. BUT… if you change for the MINOTAUR axe, for example, The final hit will be at 90 Degrees, smaking with its side. But won’t be floating

8 - Another hirdman… or hirdwoman in this case. Strange… both attachments are called “weapon” and “shield”, but they act as if there’s none.

Strange, that only the villager main weapon work this way.

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Yea in the original AoM this was also possible, especially the atlantean units were very editable through only the anim file. Now you have made me very curious, because the game’s files are full of models from the old chinese expansion.

are you using a 3D program? something that was used with AoM or AoE3 or AoE4? i’m curious to try some stuff myself to export the mtrl and model files. to try to edit them.

No no, just the xml files, you switch the models name in the reference.
For what I find, some models are “special”… you can change some berserks to Hoplites, but not Hersirs…
Is like they’re in some new category of models… For example

NO SHIELD can work with normal Valkyrie…
But there’s NO problem if you use the upgraded Valkyrie…

Would like to make some edit in blender if I could.

in old AoM hersirs were also special. They’re organised differently i think. Maybe because they have twohanded weapon.