How long do you think it will be until the game gets automatic Villager training?

It is not like the feature would manage your villagers. If you are neglecting your town the villagers would just keep pumping out where you put the rally point which could be an expired sheep or gold mine so those villagers are just being a drain on your economy.

I’m sorry but if production of villagers is meaningless why don’t we remove it from the game all together then by your logic?

Is auto queue not ai assisted gameplay? You’re literally letting the computer continue to make villagers for you so you don’t have to worry about it.

Oh please dude. You’re just arguing semantics at this point. I’m hardly the only person who has ever called this being punished. Go watch some casters and they say stuff like this all the time. But all of a sudden I’m sadistic? Very interesting when now all of a sudden this is a bad thing to want bad play punished.

So is villager production. Like it or not there are times when you actually don’t want to continue production of villagers. Maybe to go all in. Maybe to pump out a few more units in q given window for defense or offense. But according to you this is a meaningless decision.

If youre neglecting your base that much you deserve to have your eco be idle to begin with.

But the fact remains that this feature benefits those who don’t multi-task as well in a game that is about multitasking.

@MatCauthon - Do you have nothing better to do than to argue with complete noobs who want this to be added? What’s next? Auto Build order? Auto Lure? Auto Micro? Auto Task Idles?

You have the majority behind you, it’s just not here because none of them has the time to argue with people who want “auto Villager” or like your comments. If those who argue hour-long here about how it should get implemented would instead actually queue villagers we wouldn’t have this problem.

Stop trying to explain quantum physics to 7 years old. You are right and you don’t need to prove yourself. There is nothing wrong with showing an Elite-complex once every while when the other discussion partner refuses to understand. Ignore the loud minority and let this thread die for good

I’m all for auto-villagers. No one above 1000 ELO would turn it in because it is of no benefit, but it would help people who are new to the game.

Why does anyone think it would break the game? Honestly, creating villagers is easy to remember to do for all but casual players, and anything that helps them is good.

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This logic still doesn’t make any sense to me. Admittedly this is an extreme example but we could easily build in more multitasking by forcing players to click for each attack (remove auto-attack) or having to click again to get vils to go back to wood / farms after each drop off, or by removing way points, or by removing hot keys, etc. The point is all of those are boring mundane tasks that add multitasking without adding value. To me having to remember to press 2 hotkeys every 30 seconds very much falls into the category of boring mundane tasks that increase multitasking without adding any value.

Contrast this to eco balancing, you have to actively decide what units you want to build, decide how many vils you thus need on gold/food/wood, decide which particular resources piles on the map you want to pull from, decide how to defend it / wall it. All of these are active engaging decisions. In constrast villager clicking is a monotonous, boring, mundane, thoughtless task that adds no value but punishes you if you get distracted. It just doesn’t add value. I’m also curious what your views are on auto-reseed ? To me auto-vil is EXACTLY the same as that and I personally see auto-reseed as a fundamentally positive change for the game.

Also to everyone reading please stop relying on the “slippery slope argument”, it is a fallacy and an extremely weak argument that just comes across as scraping the barrel. I’m genuinely keen to hear arguments that justify keeping manual villager but atm I’m just not seeing any.


I was heavily against auto scout and auto farm.

I felt like it shifted the game away from macro and eco management, where you had to keep rewueing farms in mind and either trade of wood in queue or no quer but you can spent immidietly.

My amount of apm is limited, obviously I use both features now that they are there, and my level of play improved because of that in a vacuum, considering outer players my level use it too thought I didn’t really get better comspted to others that would end up with idle farms or not enough scouting.

Instead the game now rewardsicro and build orders even more, as these two points got atomised in low skill play.

Yes auto Farm and manual scouting wre menial clicking taos, but that’s part of the mechanical fun of playing. It’s like introducing auto topspin into table tennis saying the game should be about strategy and decision making what way of spin you use and not about the mechanics of actually perform playing.

I got used to auto stuff and I would propably get used to auto queue as well. Auto villager would definitely improve the game of low levels significantly, smooth the skill gap and shift even more away from mechanical playing. If that was the goal with auto scout and farm, and these are considered good, than auto queue atleast for villagers should be added too.

I hate dark age anyway were forgetting to queue villagers is extremely punishing.

In warcrsft 3 there is auto repair toggle for workers. Add that next.

If devs want to spent time developing new features, then please make it non data mod modable to have different unit skins grouped by the building architecture so we can have arabian style skimitar knights, native American obisidsn swordmen and so on. And unique monks

IF you make it well I would be willing to play a small dlc prize even, like 5-12€.

This and bohemains not having slaboc building set is what people want.

Auto queue villager would be OK addition thought


I hope never.

Enough with auto stuff. This is not some tower defense facebook game.

Yes, the vast majority of the player base is not creating vills with no idle time. It was a big revelation to me when I started watching replays of my games that I was quitting when I was ahead in vills and economy but just under a lot of pressure. I learnt that if I could hold on and realise their eco might not be great I could still win.

All I’m saying is auto vill queuing will reduce this potential for comeback.

Again, I’m not against the idea. But I will miss the psychological aspect/impact. Phycology is a big part of the game and I love it.

For a high level example I think there’s a clip of viper beating Jordan with 20vills on water nomad jordon just assumed he had been building eco behind his push.

I dont really care I just dont see the big drama if it did get added. It really wouldent shake up the game and it might just help make the game a bit more inclusive to people with motor issues, learning difficulties or simply older people who are not as fast.

I’m not in here saying it must get added I just dont see it bringing the apocalypse where the dreaded casuals will rise up and overthrow the pros haha.


It would be a nice addition to the game, but it has to be in a way that you can enable (or disable) from within the game without the need to go into settings, that you can toggle it within the game

I’m not 100% sure if this would work or not but I was wondering about implementing it as an alt+click on the vil icon to enable it on a given TC and then having it automatically disable if you don’t have enough Res or if you click on anything else (like age up). Probs would have it play a sound like the farm reseed one if it cancels due to a lack of res

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That sounds interesting, but I am not sure if it would improve gameplay experience that much. The main usage of an automated queue is for example to click on the TC when you don’t have resources, and then to automatically produce a Villager as soon as you can afford it.

To avoid upsetting the community so much, you could queue Villagers using a “Planning Mode” feature, so you order the TC to create 1-3 Villagers as soon as you can afford it. This would help agressive players to not fall behind (so much) in Villager creation against defensive boomers with lower APM, and it would stop the “maniac fest” of spamming hotkeys to gain that extra edge of a few seconds in Villager creation. It sounds like a good compromise between both perspectives :slight_smile:

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It would be very similar to the re-seed farms button (or re-build fishing traps) that are already in the game
If you have 50 food in the bank and the TC is not researching anything, it will create a vill

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Which instantly makes it better then manual queue because it only takes resources as they are needed.
Where as manual queue you either lose some amount of production time by letting them finish before queue the next or you lose resources for a little bit of time in advance
If this ever gets implemented it needs some sort of clear downside.

Automation should NEVER be better then manual control.

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What about raly points and auto gathering resouces when finish an eco building? Or auto building a foundation in LOS when a vil finish a previous building? And patrol, attack move, defensive stance aren`t automations?


This is rude and objectively false. Learn the meaning of elo and/or complete noobs.

Already addressed many times which you would know if you read what you were entering before subtracting from this thread

This further exhibits your ignorance. Of the 24 unique posters on this thread before yours, 6 have been pro autoqueue, 15 against, and 3 unclear. It is clearly evident that the majority DOES have time to argue against this. I am only glad that the majority is not defined by your rudeness or ignorance.

Also false, which you would know if you took the time to look at the thread your were entering before subtracting from it.

Playground insults.

While I am frustrated with many of @MatCauthon3 's arguments, he does try to back them up with some good constructive reasoning. You have none.
Please leave this thread as your presence has only detracted from it.


i like this planning mode idea of yours.

so i would click the new planned villager button in the tc you queue 15 planned villagers just like with the current way, only with the difference that i dont have the ressource to que. the moment i get 50 food a planned villager quee is turned into a real queued villager.

if i had enough food to queue 5 villagers and clicked plan 5 villagers, it would instantly take away the food and turn it into a regular 5 vills queued.

The advantage would be minimal of using this feature. it wouldnt be a big advantage like auto farm vs pre paid queed farms as in AoC.

Instead it is just a way to keep your town centers working witohut having to constaly requeue, but it still cant be abused to perfectly spent your food only when needed. Pros wouldnt use it much after dark age.

The alterantive implementaton would like how auto farm works now that it is automatically quees a new villager when ever the tc becomes idle. if it was implemented like auto farm, it would become the new standard way to play and pros would use it too until reaching 100 vills.

shoulb being able to manually queue villagers constantly bring as much of an advantage as it currently does? maybe?

Either auto farm was bad for the game and should be removed or auto farm is good and therefor auto vill will be good too for the very same reasons.

but please plese no auto millitary unit produktion like in Age of mythology

I was against the auto-queue idea at first but I now think after reading the comments that it won’t be that bad. It should still be something you control in game like auto scout or reseed and turn on or off anytime.

I t will make games more interesting even for low skill low apm players. They get better chance to execute their strategy which earlier lacked or couldn’t be executed because of TC idle time.


Bref, the only argument is : it reduce the skill

The community of player was really small before Forgotten and grow since then.
What bring all this updates?

  • new civ but that’s not the reason to play
  • mecanics to have more time to play by spending less time to play a clicker game.
    if you watch games of 10 years ago, top players look equivalent to medium elo ? Because they have no time to “play”.
    It’s a long time ago that I haven’t play to an old version and I don’t regret it. The best update in forgotten was the hability to multiqueue on building display on the screen. That’s mean, in late game if you want to be efficient you have to build all similar building at the same place.
    In the conqueror the hability to queue farm, it was a revolution. because before that, we have to spam right click and idle villager. game in late game wasn’t fun at all.
    I beleive that people who complain about automatic villager training, multiqueue, reseed farm, auto farm are only people who play a bit the game in 2000 and then cameback with the HD or definitive. You are nostaligic, you have to do a game or two with age of king and you will understand why the game is now 10x more fun

I think that having to reseeed 60 farms in imperial age was nonsense. Auto-scouting is pretty bad and it’s only useful to new players.
The only thing we can argue is building rage indicators but to start winning like aoe will add auto create villagers is nonsense and childish.