2 Well let me say it this way, be able to film movies, isn’t the same as making good movies.
Despite cameras are very available to everybody these days, we don’t have more good movies. And movies take very different direction if Steven Spielberg, J. J. Abrams, Michael Bay or Uwe Boll does have the lead of project.
I did play the entire series, I just think for discussion it would be better to bring up games the current developers of AoE4 probably should know. Well I would say the biggest issue of Empire Earth, it just didn’t stay consequent to its core features. Like any other RTS Series it was also getting more and more out of touché, dumbed down and made cartoony with newer installments.
Ages by Empire Earth 1 just didn’t feel fleshed out and considering by never games they did remove even more of ages, it did rather downgrade the depth, than made it more accessible.
In general, I have the feeling 3D RTS don’t get the scaling right. I think the very main task for AoE4 would be now to figure out how to make the assets feel smooth.
Somehow by 2D games, even if you have more units, the movement and handling seems much better. Just compare those 2 videos, the tank in modern game does barely see half of the screen and isn’t moving smooth with many other units.
I just have the feeling what they try to pull off by RTS games in the last decade is fundamentally wrong.
Yes its more “accessible” if unit is very big depicted on the screen, but as in RTS the scale of battle does increase, also should the camera keep up with it by zoom in and out necessary. You should be able to zoom in by early encounters and be able to zoom out during the midgame, to see what is happening, but modern games do quite fail there, while in old games that isnt an issue.
What I also don’t understand, why is it an issue by modern day RTS only?
If we take a look at modern total war, Stellaris or Anno 1800, that are also strategy games, but you do have an proper overview.