How to edit gold/stone initial_amount?

The title pretty much explains itselt lol. When editing the golds initial_value under ebps in the content manager its shows a comment that displays “If you change this number, please update the Tier Ext / wherever visuals are evaluated and adjusted. Currently these are not %-based requirements.” This Comment doesn’t show up for stone but I think the same thing applies for that. I have no clue what the comment means and I just really need to figure this out. Thank you to everyone who comments <3

Hey, fairly certain you can do this in the Mod_OnInit():

for i, player in pairs(PLAYERS) do
		-- Set player starting resources
		-- RT stands for Resource Type
		Player_SetResource(, RT_Food, 200)		
		Player_SetResource(, RT_Wood, 100)
		Player_SetResource(, RT_Gold, 1000)
		Player_SetResource(, RT_Stone, 1000)