How to find Oracle/Heroes on map?

I don’t know about you guys, but this is very frustrating and anoying for me !

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These banners always apply for idle units only. You can set up a hotkey to find your hero units.

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Oracles also have a unique minimap icon.

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I am talking about hero banner,in old version hero banner is always there,and i will not use hotkey to find my heroes, i rarely use hotkeys.

UNIQUE minimap icon,sure.

yes, 4 of your allies have Oracles and I can see where they are.

I’m just saying it exists.
There might be a hotkey for that but if you generally don’t want to use hotkeys I can’t help you.
I don’t know if UI mods can change the function of how those banners work.

For my taste the minimap needs to be like 3 times bigger.

it is way too small and way too cluttered.

click the number next to favour genration, it will cycle between all your oracles

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You can find resource gatherers of any resource (including favor) by clicking on the number showing how many gatherers of that resource you have. So for the Atlanteans, clicking the number next to your Favor it will be equivalent to “find Oracle”.

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I find the ‘find hero’ key works but the ‘find all hero’s’ key doesn’t.

Thank you for answer bro !

it would be nice if it would be bigger for those who are playing on a smaller monitor like e.g. i do.

but yeah you can make hotkeys for orcales. but most are idle anyway most of the time. (or am i playing it wrong?)

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