This seems to be not true at all. I already explained this in another thread. There are numerous counter examples that just show that it do not use unranked elo (or any other elo). See for example the following quote:
Quick game is meant to be unranked. So it probably uses unranked elo. This elo is the worst elo of all. It isnt reiable at all. This was already my biggest fear when they announced this new game mode. It will only lead to unbalanced games.
Based on some games of i am not even sure if the system uses some elo at all. I found some games that are really terrible matched. I looked at some 1v1 games and i foudn this match up:
Player 1:
1v1 RM: 1500 elo
TG RM: 2200 elo
Unranked: 2300 eloPlayer 2:
1v1 RM: 600 elo
TG RM: 1200 elo
Unranked: 1100 eloI have no idea why those two players are playing a game together.
I see many of this kind of match ups i the current ongoing matches based on For all of these games gives no current rating for each match.
So my biggest fear seems to become the truth: The new game mode is only meant to get in a new game quickly. It isnt meant to be get into a balanced game quickly. If you want balanced games, then you still need to play in the ranked queue. And if you dont want those settings, you still have to use the lobby to found equally skilled players.
You can find many of this kind of examples if you have a quick look at For me it is clear: Quick play dont use unranked elo to match players.
How do you know this?
I think it is his assumptions. I dont think he can proof this. The counter examples are too numerous, like i explain in this post. You also give a counter example to his claim.