Can’t be used as justification, since the game has structured them in-game under Campaigns for over 20 years
According to your personal definition and a cherry-picked dictionary definition, though, imo. Other than that, the in-game definition has considered them campaigns for years; and according to Filthydelphia for years he has considered his creations campaigns (with nobody having issues with it until V&V DLC); and according to dictionary definition I’ve seen and my own personal definition of campaigns… it works.
I don’t think critics are dumb. Seemingly unwilling to budge or compromise, or just accept this nuanced use of the word and move on, which seems odd and unfortunate to me, but not dumb. It’s like only one very narrow usage of the term “Campaign” is acceptable, when, for better or worse, I feel it’s a more nuanced word than that.
I dislike how sports commentators refer to game-ending homeruns as “walk-off home runs”, but I have to just accept and move on. Players sometimes trot off, jog off, or run off… so “walk-off” doesn’t always apply. (I mainly just dislike the phrase , but yeah, “walk-off” isn’t the best. Since language is sometimes nuanced, and not everyone has the exact same life history, vernaculars, colloquialisms, or definitions for every word, though, I won’t win every linguistic battle… I have to accept words can have multiple meanings to people and be okay with that because that’s reality. For campaigns, I feel like I know and can see multiple meanings and it works, but I just don’t know how to convey that in any way that others would agree with because they seem to only see one definition as possible. Don’t worry, though, I’m going to try my best to go back into hibernation on this topic
Yeah, I do consider it part of their Marketing initiative. I was aware of this already. So they maybe used Campaigns and Scenarios interchangeably in their marketing, just as Filthydelphia has done with his content in the past, because they probably didn’t think anything of it. They didn’t know there would be an outcry of “campaign vs. scenario” because there has never been one to my knowledge or that anyone has brought up that I’ve seen. They probably innocently shifted between the two. Oh well. It is what it is. Hindsight is 20/20.
“Let me make it very simple for you: if the devs promise a campaign, then they should deliver one. A collection of disconnected scenarios is not a campaign.”
Thank you. I need to research what everyone is latching onto for this dev promise of a campaign. If you can link promotional materials to me, great. If not, don’t worry… when i get some time, I will try to locate. (And if I’ve already seen it or been pointed to it, my apologies.) All’s I know is that at least weeks before the DLC launched, it was pretty clear what V&V was because of the Marketing leading up to the launch.
I remember a petition and calls to action. I remember a user saying they were going to buy it and return it just to leave a negative review (and judging by reviews I saw, I doubt they were the only one doing that.) I remember solidarity behind “let’s not buy so we can teach them a lesson and so they’re not encouraged to do this shrinkflation behavior again”. I’ve seen the forums leading up to V&V’s launch and after… there is obvious organized (by way of shared forum opinions lashing out at MS or devs) discontent. Etc. Any normal company would see that as pressure.
You might personally only be wanting proper communication in the future, but there are many posts hating the fact that V&V content is classified as Campaigns. And discontent over Campaigns vs. Scenarios nomenclature, in general. That is a present issue. Which could lead to a future issue. Nip it in the bud now, I begrudgingly propose, and create a brand new “Scenarios” button. Are you against the creation of that button? If so, why?
Hardly. It’s actually Mod Manager. And that addresses nothing. Just your attempt to distract from the Campaigns vs. Scenarios discussion that’s consistently been going on for over a month, and for several posts above ours here