In regards of the twohander tech: The tooltip doesn’t show it, but it gives +2 attack AND 15 hp to MAA, making it a bit better. That’s why HRE MAA end up with 214 hp fully upgraded. The mace upgrade, however, is +6 vs heavy armor when not combined with the twohander tech, and +3 with the twohander tech. This has to be a bug, because why would a tech get worse when combined with another tech? That’s not the case for anything else in the game and it also doesn’t make any sense. They fixed the attackspeed bug, but not the damage bug… And it’s a bug that was in the open stress test as well.
To sum it all up: Twohander + mace gives 15 hp, +2 attack and +3 vs heavy armor (instead of +6). These two techs combined are still inferior (even with the 15 hp) to the one tech of the Dehli that gives MAA and Knights +3 attack. I can’t wrap my head around that. I think the Dehli tech just is too strong. The chinese have + 30 hp for their Palace guards and that seems to be in line with the HRE Twohander tech. But the Dehli tech is 3 attack for 2 of the stronger units in the game. Doesn’t feel right.
Aside from all the bugs and bad mechanics (inspiration), the HRE desperately needs somehing for their cav. A tech that gives bonus armor and a bit hp would be fitting and in line with other civs. I want to feel I play the HRE, I want the heavy armor theme for them. And no other civ has +armor for knights, so there actually is a spot for a HRE tech in that direction. Maybe +3 armor and +10 hp as an expensive tech that can be found in the monastery at age 3 or 4. And there should be a tech that makes inspiration for military a bit more useful. Maybe better range and one cast should affect more than only one unit. On top of that if units are injured, the Prelates always heal and do not inspire. It’s just not working very well. And turning auto heal on and off is way too annoying as well.
Much to be done there Relic, and that’s just the HRE. The game needs so much more in somewhat every department. As I said, this is more of an open beta than a finished game that only needs some tweaking. It needs a bit more than that. I don’t wanna think about when this game will actually be in the state it should have been for a release. I hope it happens still during this year, but I doubt it.
And releasing the game without offering a working ranked ladder, is a hype killer for sure as well. I just wish the game was finished…