Well, for the other civs (aside from Delhi) it makes sense to include the monks in the all army commands. For Delhi and much more the HRE it is just a terrible annoyance.
And no, the core of my complaints is not bugs. It’s mechanics and civ design altogether. The bugs, because they were much more frequent and severe than for toher civs, just show me that the HRE must have been developed last and then time ran short. They were presented last and felt really bad in beta. The beta state was their state for the coming months after release. There were a lot of bugs in the game, but the HRE was actually unplayable… It felt untested and rushed. And the civ is still suffering from this. That is why Relic needs to do more for them than to just tune numbers. They need to give them smoothness, working mechanics and a much better identity. They have many problems and will continue to have many problems, if they do not get some fundamental changes.
Giving them more starting wood or anything of that stuff does not change the fact that they are clunky, annoying and rather weak army wise. So little of their strengths actually synergizes, they are always behind or in the rush of getting relics only to then realize that they are still behind. Giving the cheaper age up of Swabia to Elzbach would hurt them even more and would make them even worse.
The HRE is trapped. They need to reach castle asap to get relics, but then are behind in everything and need to somehow survive into Swabia, which has become hard. Vs Rus it’s actually impossible to win, if the opponent is on an equal level. You get maybe one relic and you are way behind the Rus. The Rus can play mass archer or Horse Archers and the HRE will not survive until Swabia.
And for a Burgrave play the eco is just too bad. And again… Lose a prelate in feudal or early castle and you are royally effed.
I hate to say it, but it’s just not fair. It’s far from it.
And I would not stress the historical accuracy part so much, if it wasn’t for Relic claiming that they want to be as historically accurate as possible. And they did a good job for most of the civs. Not perfect by any means, but in general I’d say well done. But then there is the HRE. And there everything lies in shambles. That is just terrible. If this civ wasn’t called HRE, I would not say that it had anything in common with the actual HRE aside from names and language. The Landsknecht was nothing like he is in the game. Their heavy cavalry was only rivaled by the French, yet the HRE cav is among the worst of the game. The HRE was the greatest plate manufacturer of their time, but do they have anything that compliments armor? The spearmen armor is not plate, it’s chain. The plate proficiency is nowhere shown in the game… And then the civ is focussed around religion and fails terrible at that. The relic play demands you to be quicker in gaterhing them. Fail that and your civ loses half of their boni and strenghts, it’s actually ridiculous. What other civ comes even close to this susceptibility? And why do English get a means to get free gold that has no historical context at all (putting fences around farms didn’t make anybody rich back then…), but the “Sale of Indulgences” mechanic does not find it into the game? It’s a no brainer actually…
The biggest battle of the medieval age was fought between the Teutonic Order and the Lithuanian-Polish army in 1410 Tannenberg/Grunwald. It was around 26 000 Order knights vs around 40 000 Lithuanian and Polish soldiers. The Order had the most powerful army of the time back then, but still lost the battle due to a number disadvantage and arrogance. After a successful engagement the Order knights celebrated their likely victory, but then were robbed of their relics by sneaky Lithuanian-Polish soldiers who seized the opportunity, which in turn broke the Order’s enthusiasm and belief. Their arrogance and naiveté was responsible for losing the battle eventually, yet they displayed the peak of medieval chivalry and religious fervor. And even after losting the battle, their headquarters in Marienburg could not be conquered. It was impenetrable.
You find NOTHING of that sort in the game. It was the biggest battle of the medieval age and AoE 4 didn’t even bother to give the HRE some kind of Order reference. There won’t be a Teutonic Order civ, so the HRE is the one that needs to showcase them. They were allied and deeply intertwined. You can’t say HRE without also saying Teutonic Order. But Relic didn’t bother.
A game that offers historical campaigns and claims to be historically rather accurate, needs to mention the Teutonic Order if they include today’s Germany in the game. If not as a stand alone civ, then as part of the HRE. You cannot not do it and claim all that which i just listed up. It doesn’t work.
But there is no Teutonic Order. I am still hoping for a dlc that delivers in that regard, but that’s only me hoping. So we are left with the HRE for now. And well… excuse me if I am very adamant about wanting them to be somewhat close to the actual HRE instead of being this travesty of a civ that claims so much, but is so little.