I still have some hopes that all we have seen from the HRE was not yet final and has changed since. I mean… They must have noticed that barely anything works. The HRE “unique” inspiration mechanic is by far inferior to Rus and faulty (and not so unique obviously), the Prelate is a liability in the army for being weak, expensive, slow and a melee range one target caster that doesn’t know if he’s supposed to heal or to inspire. Landsknechte are useless or rather a waste of ressources, the maa upgrades are buggy and weird, the synergies and sepcialities in other departments are lacking… The impossible fact that the HRE is bringing the worst cav to the game… They must have noticed that. They say they play the game every day for hours. They must have noticed the stuff I listed up themselves. Its inferiority, bugginess, uselessness, complete absence of uniqueness… They must have. No way they haven’t. No way.