I can't put down walls - A bug or a mistake?

I started messing with the hotkeys and made lots of changes to the alphabetical Legacy keybindings. After this I seem to not be able to build any walls anywhere. I can select it from the settlers build menu but the wall disappears right after I click to place it or try to drag it. I can’t say if it’s a bug or if it’s because of something I changed in the Options menu.

Note: Before the Nov. 5th update I had no problems with the walls.

Can I get any help with this? Anybody else having this issue?


Same issue. Units are also deselecting after a build or explorer power which makes micro a mess.


Hey guys, I had this same issue come up half way through a match since the 5 November update. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game, restored UI settings but none of these helped.

What resolved the issue for me was defaulting keybinds and disabling ‘Allow Conflicts’ for keybinds.
I haven’t had an issue since.

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Thanks, @Mersin94!

I disabled the ‘Allow Conflicts’ but still used the Legacy setting for keybindings. This solved all the issues I and @Rednote76 had in common: The deselecting wall, the units deselecting after a build and the explorer deselecting after using their ability (The hero shows as selected but doesn’t react to commands without being re-selected). This way lots of Legacy hotkeys stopped working because of the conflicts.

Then I switched to the Default keybinding settings with ‘Allow Conflicts’ off but the Legacy hotkeys still show up in the explorer’s ingame menu showing wrong hotkey for the abilities. Even restarting the game didn’t fix this. It might be some other bug though. Still, here’s a pic with the Default keybinding settings where Sharpshooter’s hotkey is [A] and working but the game shows it as [D] from the Legacy settings.

Tldr; The fix to the deselecting issues is disabling the ‘Allow Conflicts’ option from the keybindings settings.

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Would you know if the latest patch has fixed the issues you experienced before?
I reverted my keybinds to the ‘Allow Conflicts’ settings since UPDATE 6159 and so far I haven’t had those issues yet!

I can confirm, the ‘Allow Conflicts’ no more causes issues.
The wrong default keybinding showcase still remains though.

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