I can't upload mod

Hi @DodoNotDoDo this issue is happening again to me. I’m trying to upload a resources.zip which only contains .xaml and .png files. The file structure is correct for sure since I’ve done it 1000 times. Could you check if anything wrong atm? Thanks

There’s a bunch of files in it that start with a period (._resources, .DS_Store, etc.). Depending on your explorer view settings they may be hidden for you. If you change your view settings to show all files and maybe not hide file extensions, they’ll hopefully show up so you can exclude them.

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I did inspect hidden files and I don’t see any. Could I pm you my zip to debug?

Yep, that’s fine. (extra to make it 20 characters)


OK I just realized it’s indeed the stupid Mac system auto adding hidden .DS_Store files! I won’t see those even if I unhide everything :sweat_smile: I just successfully uploaded. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m having this issue:

I have the correct file structure in the local mod folder.

Also I have tried uploading in Age of Empires website and it won’t even begin the upload process- seemed to time out before anything happened.

Please assist!

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