I don’t see this working really. Xbows and Knights already have their “ideal” trash partners in pikes and skirms. Imo the militia line would actually in most cases just a “downgrade” that costs additional gold.
In theory it might now be better against both full trash and full gold combos, but with using the gold units advantages in range and speed I don’t see this working against double gold (except against eagles with later addition of xbows).
And I made a topic discussing how a new Gold Infantry could be designed.
For me it’s pretty obvious that’s the best if we would just add another Infantry unit that just “fits” better into how the game is currently played. Cause the current ones have still their place and trying to “fi” them will most definitely just make them broken on other ends whilst the desired effects most likely won’t be achieved.
But ok, let’s see what will happen with Gampesons. At least we need to give it a try. I just doubt it will “fix” it atm.