I hope devs do reamin the original corpse-decaying effect

Even though the original corpse-decaying effect is not perfect, it still greatly enhance the atmosphere of battlefield.

I really hope to have such detail in AOM retold.


After playing tons of RTS games, I insist that corpse-decaying effect is a crucial detail that can’t be treat haphazardly.


For immersion-sake, yes. I would like if the units do decay.


Definitely, I’ll second that!

I thought I had too when I looked at the image footage which looked amazing but lacked dead units.

So I highly support your guys opinion!

My second thought was also blood effects… wonder if they think about doing it the CA way and release a separate small DLC with blood effects and corpse decaying. I personally hope not but it would make marketing wise sense I think. But really good point glad someone mentioned this.


Certainly, the blood effect matters too.

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I want the blood and skeleton back!!!

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Bring back blood and skeleton!

Bring back blood and skeleton!