I made my own modding tool for Retold, CryBarEditor

I already posted about this on reddit a while ago, but have been told I should let everyone here know as well, as it may help more people. Hope I’m not being too annoying. :smiley:

I made my own modding tool for Retold, available for download here https://github.com/CryShana/CryBarEditor

It’s meant to make modding quicker by enabling fast switching between different BAR files as well as exporting easily to your selected mod folder directly from either the resource folder or currently opened BAR file. It supports searching within all files’ contents, making it useful when finding references. It supports exporting DDT textures and modifying them. And am planning on putting in TMM/TMA support soon as well… well, once I get the time.

I was able to make this much progress in short amount of time thanks to developers working n AoE3 resource manager and the rest of the community. Thanks.

(I think the app should run without having to install anything else, but do tell me if you are having any issues)


Have you been able to find a way to edit the model file (.tmm)? Is there a way to identify/edit the texture files (.ddt) referenced by these files?

I would appreciate any updates on this.

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Me too.
I am eager to export current models, tweak them and import them as new models in the game.