So I’ve made a little village using the editor and it looks good, but when I test the scenario, I can’t help but notice that around the buildings I’ve placed, there’s little patches of Dirt 2. It’s very annoying and it ruins the entire aesthetic of the village. How do I disable this?
Pretty much all Land Buildings does this by default. That would require editing the datamod to adjust. (Although, that would be somewhat futile since it always sets a terrain. So, it may not work for everything in that case.) If you still want to try, you will have to copy/paste the “empires2_x2_p1.dat” (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AoE2DE\resources_common\dat) in a mod and open/edit it in AdvancedGenieEditor3. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AoE2DE\Tools_Builds)
edit: You want to edit the “Foundation Terrain” in the buildings.
I am using the Microsoft store edition of aoe2, sorry for failing to mention that.
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