Hey y’all!
For quite a while I’ve had the idea to start a YT channel for AoE2, with the aim to feature battles, sketches, mechanics and history discussions, hypothetical bonuses, scenario design, and so forth. Decided to give it a go a little over a month ago. It’s certainly a work in process as I’m new to YT content creation and mostly using free image/video Editors, so some of the thumbnails and early video quality are not yet to the standards I’d like. But it’s a start, and I’ve learned a lot since my first video.
Anyway, you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv9wqRig5JxrjOCXVRqehOw
Critiques, suggestions for future content, etc are welcome. ATM the most common content niche is battles between AoE1 and AoE2 units, which I grant is kind of basic, and not ultimately what I want the core of my content to be. But it’s something that nobody else has been doing yet and it allows me to improve my YT/Video Editing Skillz until I can move on to higher skilled forms of content.
I had intended to mostly let the channel grow organically and not go out of my way to promote it, but I realize that approach is guaranteed to fail. Especially since some other creators have noticed my content, and the MikeEmpires content mill in particular has already been using some ideas from my videos, as I knew he would before I started this. Fair enough, I’d just prefer to get some mileage out of them before he or anyone else beats them to death versus every unique unit six ways to Sunday.
This will be my only thread promoting the channel here, but I may occasionally link videos if they show something highly relevant to a topic - for example, a video showing the impact of unit hitbox sizes on combat effectiveness based on a recent forum discussion. Anyway, if this is something that interests you, check it out, otherwise, carry on.
How did you engineer the units to be crossed over.
I also have a YouTube channel. I would say that people using your ideas is better than not knowing you exist at all, which is my situation. I have a totally unique series, Extreme AI Matchups, yet no one watches it because my channel is tiny (130 subs) and the algorithm isn’t on my side. Because none of my videos, aside from stupid memes, never get any views, I’ve basically lost the motivation to upload. Be grateful that other people covering your mods gives you some level of exposure.
I’ve come across quiet a few YouTube channels (randomly) from posters here, tho I’m a little surprised to have encountered yours considering how new it is. So perhaps the algorithm is willing to share your videos with people who watch a lot of aoe2 content. Either way I’ve subscribed, good luck!
P.s. villagers with bows is %100 op in feudal defence too. You gotta consider it isn’t your ranged villagers vs enemy army, it’s your ranged villagers AND your army vs their army. You should rarely lose any defensive engagement. It’s defenders advantage × 10.
I’ve messaged you about it.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but in the case of Mr. Empires, I’d rather go without. I’m trying not to throw unnecessary shade, but he doesn’t strike me as as the type who’s interested in growing the community, or perhaps even the game, beyond self-promotion and financial incentives. I am sure he will lean into the crossover-type content heavily. Which is all part of the game, of course; nothing I was doing rises to the level of Intellectual Property, and I don’t entirely begrudge the man getting his bag. But I don’t think there are any realistic benefits to be had when established creators of that sort farm ideas from up-and-comers.
Literally anyone else though, I agree it’s a good thing. Getting a positive comment from Tiramis on one of my videos was a highlight.
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Alrighty. I know this topic is a bit on the older side, but I really wanted to shout this out and bring this back to the top of the forum.
This channel has some quality informative content.
The ratha video link was censored, but that’s a good one too.
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I appreciate the shoutout. This type of video takes at least 5X as long to make as the more basic ones and doesn’t always perform much better, so until when/if they take off, I’m at least glad when people notice that a lot of work was put into them, and that they found them interesting.
I don’t think it’s really much on the side of smaller/newer channels, especially these days - apparently they’ve shortened the initial window during which it promotes your content, which explains some of what I’ve been seeing. Even some mildly successful creators like Age of Noob and Among the Hidden seem to show that making high-effort content may have an excessive opportunity cost. But nobody said it was easy, and it’s normal to lose often before you consistently win.