I think Gran Colombia is a good revolt for German

Here is the bonus of Gran Colombia for anyone unfamiliar, the unit they replace is Caravel > Sloop, Revolutionary > Independent Guards, Commanchero > Llanero

  • Gran Colombia give Independent Guards which is a Musketeer with +10% combat (+15% for Ports) and 1.5x multi vs all cav at range at the cost of -10% speed.
  • Llanero is a lancer type cavalry with 2x multi vs infantry instead of being a ranged cavalry, but only cost 1 pop and food only.
  • Sloop while nothing unique about them, the revo also have Improved Warship and Naval Gunner cards, with German they can have Offshore Support card (+2 range and 15% damage), or Armada (20% HP with Spanish).

Their unique card is

  • Colombian Navy which transform all caravel to sloop and enable their training as well research Imperial Frigate and Monitor. They also have Infinite 2 Steamer and Infinite 2 Ironclad, while their Frigate and Sloop already the best in the Game.
  • Colombian Army which enable the Imperial upgrades for Musketeer, Skirmisher, Cassador, Crossbow, Landwehr, and Ordinance Rifleman. The upgrades is discounted at -60%.
  • National Hero. Send Bolivar which have aura that increase army total HP by 5%.
  • In addition they also have Factory and Advance Arsenal Card, so the normal deck do not need to include them.

I see people often combine them with Port as they have RG Musketeer, and since the move penalty is a big turn off, many consider that this revolution is weak and I personally think Ports is the weakest Colombia base faction. But what about German that have Church card that increase 20% infantry speed? Here is a fully upgraded German Colombian unit.

Skirmisher move at 5.2 and faster fire rate (basic german actually), Musk just become any cavalry hard counter, while Llanero is quite tanky for 1pop melee cavalry at the cost of Uhlan flat damage vs cannon. Since the current map rotation includes water map like Deccan and Horn, their navy may shine now or if you want to play unusual German build. What do you think?


They are a good revolution option for Germans civ, but I would prefer to see revolution options for them such as: Bohemia (or controversially Czechoslovakia), Croatia (or controversially Yugoslavia) or even Belgium.

Moreover, there are also good revolution options not only from America or Europe, such as: Cameroon, Kenya, South Africa and New Guinea. But I would see these options (+ USA) more for the Prussians civ - because they were a colonial empire after they united Germany.

The current Germans civ should become Austrians civ and have the following reovolution options: Romania, Bohemia, Croatia and Hungary + potentially Ruthenia (or Ukraine or Cossack).


Yes, a gran Colombia is a good revolt for Germany, except for the problem all German revolts have—your shipment curve is terrible. This makes it really hard to set up before your revolt.