I would genuinely pay for more cloud capacity for replays

Title basically says it all. I’m at about 300 comp games and lord knows how many campaigns/AI skirmishes/custom games. I’m about to be full on storage and would love to not lose anything.

5-10 dollar expansion to that I think would be reasonable

Copy them to OneDrive?

no thanks removing cloud files are some of the most stupidest process ever especially steam support is now almost none existent, and steam has bene getting way worse over last few years

all the new looks UI but lots of friend/message/chat feature constantly breaking, often offline very frequently etc.

this generation is pretty ####

Why would you?

Recs become into garbage every single update, there is no point at saving or keeping them.

My advice is to just get rid of the automated saves for restoring in the multi file.

You can save on disk

How do you even free up Steam cloud storage space without accidentally losing your files?

I clicked the “Open Saved Games Folder” b/c it’s a button on the above page. I copied/pasted all those to a backup folder elsewhere on my PC and deleted them from the folder. But when I re-launch game and check storage, it still lists the games and shows 99% full. Same with Steam’s game properties.

Are the games in that folder redundantly stored on both your PC and the cloud, so I can start deleting them on the “Load SP Game” page now that I’ve backed them up? And this will clear them from the cloud?


It'd be great if the game could tell you what will happen when 100% is reached. If you hover over Cloud Capacity, it just says, "Cloud Capacity" for the help text.

I think it’d be nice to know some things once 100% is reached, will the game:

  • Start over-writing my cloud and/or local save files? Which ones? Oldest to newest?
  • Start crashing?
  • Stop saving and stop allowing me to save, in general?
  • Start automatically saving to my C:\ drive exclusively or in lieu of the cloud, and keep my old cloud saves there until I choose to clean them out?

Other quick questions:

  • What games get stored to the cloud? Only SP ones? Or also MP? Also SP Campaigns, MP Co-Op Campaigns, Replays, MP Replays? Anything else?
  • If I manually delete all the files in the folder the game points me to, will the game start freezing or crashing due to out-of-syncs or something? (as it did a few times on the Load SP Game page now that I deleted many of those files and ALT+TAB or WinKey + D to here)
  • Are all campaign saves stored in one mega campaign file?

And what options do I have as the player?

  • Can I buy more cloud capacity, as the OP asks? (I’m assuming not)
  • Can I control what matches get saved to cloud? Replays take up a lot of space, I hope and assume they’re not saving on the cloud?
  • Why don’t the Multiplayer > Restore Game or Campaign pages have an “Open Saved Games Folder” button like SP does?

I now see two icons (a cloud and a PC), and so maybe the game has started to save locally, rather than over-writing cloud saves, but I’m not sure:


I think this is correct. I tried to delete some saves that were also stored on the cloud. I removed them from my computer but they still appeared in game.

I wish there was a way to batch delete everything stored on the cloud rather than having to delete them one by one.

Yes, this is what happened to me once I reached 100%. But it also sometimes brings up messages complaining about being unable to save to the cloud when I save.

Really what I want is the opposite of what the OP wanted: I want to completely disable cloud saving and only save locally.

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Oh, thank you!
Actually, if what we think is correct (redundant saves) I think you can delete all the save files at once by clicking the top checkbox toggle on the load game screen that has the list of files. It will toggle all checkmarks on/off (i.e., batch delete them if you toggle them all on and then delete). I haven’t tried to click the delete button after this, but in theory this should work, to, essentially batch delete – if it is like normal UI/UX. I was at least able to globally toggle on/off all files in the list earlier today

To disable cloud saving, you maybe can do that from Steam? Right-mouse the game, go to Properities, and I think there is a way to toggle cloud saving off there(?)

Regrettably, this is a moot point because there currently does not exist (to my knowledge) a way to view past recorded games that were made before the current game version. So technically, you have already lost any of those 300 games that were played before the last update.

This I still hold as unacceptable. Being able to watch old, recorded games should be a primary focus of CaptureAge, as it is a separate application that is able to maintain version control for each recorded game type.

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That, along with allowing MP games to open without the other party(ies) being present, and with bringing CTRL+F12 back (“screenshot entire map”), would be great.

I’m a sentimental person. The time spent playing AoE with family/friends is meaningful to me. Even solo games. If all these things worked, it’d let me capture the moments and watch or load them up in the future… akin to watching old home movies. AoE2 breaks them non-stop. All those games and moments are completely lost in time, like tears in the rain.

Is there any other video game that breaks saved games so often, let alone at all? I can still load up my Minecraft game that I started about 12 years ago and it remembers EVERYTHING I’ve done. Every torch I planted, block I moved, custom sign I wrote, or hovel I made. I’ve even gone to a 3rd party HD graphics pack and back to vanilla graphics without issues with my game.

  • I just looked at the versioning history and Minecraft has gone through probably at least 70 versions in that time-span

Sorry to have such a bond with AoE2. I wish development cared a little less about non-stop balance tweaks for eSport reasons and favored our bonds with the game more. (Where’s that in-game AoE2 museum to honor the classic more (AoK, CE, manual scans, box scans, original dev interviews, classic audio/music and graphic options without the need for mods?)


Back to discussion on the near-meaningless cloud saves. (Good point, SlyfoxLegend. Even though I’ve kept all my saved game and replay files over the years, it’s pretty much pointless to. I hang onto them in the hope that a tool will be built someday to let us re-open them, though.)

PS: It’s interesting that Baldur’s Gate 3 gets almost 2GB of cloud storage on Steam, but AoE2:DE only gets 100MB. Does the developer or publisher pay for the extra space? i wonder how much it would cost to add more Steam storage for AoE2:DE?

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I find the cloud files annoying. And I hated getting the notification that I am running out of cloud space.

So, I searched and found this below to clear my cloudfile data. Very old replays can’t be played anyway. Since they using a old version of the game.

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thanks for sharing this, pain in the ass these cloud storage

Last comment on that page says:

“This seems fishy but work. Steam should provide this by default.”

Hoping AoE and Steam can collab on making an official solution, if one doesn’t already exist.

I will start deleting cloud saves from in-game soon and see if that works instead in the meantime. Thanks for posting!