Idea: Flavour Feature for Nomadic Civs

Remember when we had the house-yurts mod from that mongol event? It was bad because their circular shape made it hard to wall properly and left some holes here and there.

So I agree with your yurt idea. But devs could add a rectangular fence or decorations in a rectangular manner around the yurts, so they can be used as walls just like any regular house.


The yurts that were used on that event are too small. They should make new models that at least touch the lateral borders of the squares. Corners can be filled with decorative elements

I love the idea of Yurts being a movable house but there has to be a reason for them to be movable.
But also not something that makes them too good since houses only cost 25 Wood while drop off buildings cost 100 Wood, that’s 4x as much.

But maybe if Yurts where “bad” drop off buildings.


  • Drop off for all natural Food sources (Herdables, Hunt, Berries and Fish)
  • Can pack and unpack
  • Have less HP then a house
  • 25 Wood
  • 5 population


  • Drop off building for everything but food
  • Can pack and unpack
  • Costs 120 Wood


  • Same as now

Yurts would be nice in early game but you were still forced to build other drop off buildings to get anything but food and also you are forced to use mills or TCs for farms.

The Ger costs a little more then a normal drop off building but it’s also more versatile and it can move. I think this is a fair trade off.
Not as good as a Mule Cart that moves automatically though.

That shouldn’t impact the civilisations perforce too much.
Mongols hunting bonus might need some small adjustment.
Cumans wouldn’t change much I think.
Huns would only get Gers without Yurt since they don’t need houses anyway.

Movable TC are currently already in the game but they are buggy.
They don’t align with the grid when you unpack them and I think you can unpack them anywhere.
So they would need to be improved. The pack and unpack time is also very long so you would miss out a lot of villager train time.

Letting the nomadic civilisations move all their buildings (excluding stone defence) would not be that hard to balance since you could hance the pack and unpack times to be long enough.
So it would be much more of a flavour thing then an actual useful gameplay feature.
But sometimes that nice to have. It could be very nice addition to the campaigns for those civilisations.


If we don’t want to radically change the Mongols, I thought of a new Kyrgyz civ, representing the Kyrgyz Khaganate. Like the Mongols in AoE4, they’d have the ability to pack up and move all buildings. If that’s too radical, maybe they can just pack up and move Town Centers and Yurts, the House replacement.

Being able to move buildings is not actually that useful of a feature when the packing and unpacking takes time.

Building buildings is relatively fast and most buildings just cost Wood, the ones that cost Stone should not be moveable.
That’s why I think the TC should not be movable because it could be petty powerful.

I thing the only movable buildings should be Barracks, Archery Range and Stable plus the unique buildings I mentioned.

Why the other buildings should not move:

  • Every building that costs stone should not be able to move, that includes TCs
  • I don’t need to tell why Farms shouldn’t move
  • Docks are places in water, that could cause issues
  • Markets were historically played in strategic locations for trading, it makes little sense if they can move
  • Blacksmith requires a lot of heavy equipment
  • Universities only existed in the none nomadic parts of those empires
  • Siege Workshop also has to much heavy equipment, also balance reasons because siege units are slow so they would benefit more from a portable building
  • Monastery shouldn’t move because places of warship are usually not portable and often tied to certain places in the landscape
  • Wonder shouldn’t move for obvious reasons

But independent of gameplay changes the nomadic civilisations should have houses that look like Yurts.

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