Since the announcement/leak of The Mountain Royals I’ve been reading a lot of comments regarding the Mule Cart, suggesting it should be a feature added to the nomadic civs alongside Armenians and Georgians, and these comments have been shown a lot of support.
The thing is that mules and carts pulled by mules were not particularly a thing of nomadic stepppe cultures. They were used all over Eurasia and specially on mountanious ladnscapes. The existence of Mule Carts for Armenians and Georgians is a reference to the mountanious landscape of the Caucasus, and thus, Armenians and Georgians are provided with Mule Carts.
My perception is that what players are actually seeking for is not specifically for Mule Carts to be given to nomadic civs, but rather to attend the “issue” that nomadic civs do not feel nomadic enough. And now, when they see something slightly related to nomadism, like a mobile dropping site, players feel that it would make the most sense if nomadic civs get them as well. This go against the logic I pointed out before.
The following proposal is meant to give some thematic flavour to the nomadic civilizations. A game-breaking mechanic, or an alteration of the fundamental way these civs are played is not the objective of this proposal . The idea is that this feature provides proper flavour to these civs without significantly affecting gameplay.
I propose the following changes for Mongols, Cumans and Huns:
- House replaced with Yurt
- Lumber Camp and Mining Camp replaced with Storage Camp (placeholder name). Same as mule carts, it can be used as a dropping site for wood, gold, stone and hunt. Mills would be kept for berries and farms.
The special feature is that these buildings can be pack and unpacked (like a trebuchet) in order to be relocated.
These buildings may or may not have different stats and costs, and the pack-unpack action may or may not cost resources, those are balance matter than can be tweaked.
The core idea of this feature is that packing buildings and moving them to another place to be deployed again is more reminiscent of steppe nomadic lifestyle than a cart pulled by an animal.
Yurts are the most characteristic element of steppe cultures and, in this proposal, they should not mean any significant deviation on the standard gameplay of the civs recieving them.
Storage Camps, however, do alter gameplay in some degree, specially on early stages. Mongols hunt bonus may be need to get tweaked in this regard.
Now, you may be asking why I didn’t include Tatars alongside the other nomadic civs.
The thing is that, even when they’re undoubtly a steppe civ, Tatars, representing the turko-perso-mongols of the central and western steppes, featured a far higher degree of sedentarism and urbanization than Mongols and Cumans (Yes they had cities to, but they were mostly nomadic). The cities around the Volga river and the Ferghana valley (like Samarkand) are the best examples. The use of houses fits them better.
Huns had some degree of sedentarism as well, but I consider this nomadic feature contributes to the fantasy of “Foreign invaders coming from the East”.
A nomadic set for these 3 civs have been requested a lot. It would be nice if a feature like this is included to futher promote the thematic immersion.
That’s it. Let me know what you think.