Idea on Abus Gunners (Poll)

Thoughts on this idea:

Change Abus Gun attack to Ranged damage. Multipliers adjusted accordingly. Add a Charged attack which deals siege damage with the current multipliers and can be fired every 9 seconds (ie every third shot deals siege damage).

It would keep a lot of its uniqueness, but wouldn’t be as good in standing fights. If necessary some hp could be added or cost could be reduced if it’s found too big.

Lots of people have talked about changing Abus damage to ranged, someone might have even suggested this before. I’ve been thinking about this for a bit, it seems like a decent compromise.

  • Good idea, I like it.
  • Bad idea, it’s too much.
  • Bad idea, it’s not enough.
  • Bad idea, Abus should be op. Nerfs should come from elsewhere.
0 voters

Either that or add a 0.4x light infantary.

I’m on the train to change the damage to ranged and adjust the multiplier from there.

My personal opinion: negative multiplier should not exist at all, and all unit must have 3 type of armor as a base Ex: Hussar has 20% ranged, 10% melee, and 50% siege armor, Musketeer has 5% ranged, 20% melee, and 10% siege armor. Even Falconet or other cannon should have 75% ranged, 20% melee, and 10% siege armor. Then damage and bonus multiplier should be rebalanced from there

Don’t forget about the cannoneers. I would probably like to see animation changes. They should take longer to deploy their gun. And you can leave it as is. There is a problem - why are they needed then if they do not have siege damage? I mean, it will be a regular skirmisher with a shorter range but more damage. Siege units should deal siege damage.

Range Charged attacks for range units or cavalry are a bad idea. Make them OP for hit and run tactics.

Let them for weaker civs or HC only units

We just cannot trust someone whose name starts with Juan.

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The charged attack would just be the current attack. The normal attack would become the current attack just as ranged damage without the negative multiplier vs artillery. That’s the suggestion, it would be a straight nerf in almost all cases. Lots of people have talked about changing their damage to ranged, I was just wondering what people thought of only partly doing it.

The people asking for Abus range damage are being boring curmudgeons. Abus have a big friggin bazooka and it’s no fun to downplay that by downgrading them to ranged damage.

Yes they over perform in the skirm role, and yes they have too many multipliers to cancel out the siege damage, but giving them ranged damage is the most boring way to fix that.

Now that Ottomans have been jazzed up with a bunch of new units Abus don’t necessarily need to be forced into a traditional skirm role. They’ve got Azaps to melt light cav from afar so an Artillery Foundry unit like Abus Guns don’t actually need the multiplier against light cavalry and ranged shock infantry. Taking that away gives them a new weakness and unclutters some multipliers. If they’re still too good, their range resist could be knocked down 5-10% to make them a bit squishier or they could get a longer setup animation.


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In legacy AoE III they have less max range than they can get in AoE III DE so that is what should be looked at if anything with Abus Gunner in AoE III DE.

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