IDEA: Solution to Automatic Queue Function, (both parties will like it.)

You play how you want but I would recommend you hotkey all your town centers/building that produce villagers to 1 hotkey. Lowers your clicks by 2. Town center hotkey, click villager 9 times, boom all your TCs are producing villagers without cycling through each town center individually.

I also don’t think that it is wrong to call macroing properly during high stress moments skillful. It is definitely a skill, and an important one to develop. This is why hotkeying them to one key is important because you are able to press it quick during a battle, queue vills/production, and then return to microing your army.

I could see them adding it into custom games/skirmishes like they did with player score, but just like player score I believe it is something that should stay out of ladder games.

And just to be clear I am a rather average elo, and I also mess up my macro quite frequently. Always love looking at my graphs and just seeing me plateau vill production for far too long. That’s a me problem tho that is important to work on, not something I feel automation should fix for me.