Idea to nerf quick walling

Not entirely sure whether you like to nerf quickwalling or not, but if ultimately scouting, map awareness and proper micro is the key, then I don’t see the point of arbitrarily modifying foundation property just for the sake of changing it. I certainly dont want to deal with that one skirmisher randomly attacking my builder from the foundation of the castle I’m trying to build while I’m busy skirmishing another enemy army. Call be bad all you like, but adding this walkable foundation thing just does not feel right.

As for pro, I believe given some time some would not like the idea of needing to deal with random units standing on top of their buildings preventing it from going up.

I see the point in making foundations walkable up to a certain point, but it’s probs not a good idea. Especially since “planning” and “protection” isn’t really possible when you try to build your first barrack but the enemy scout is just dancing on it.

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why would more walling lead to wall nerfs? dont get it sry?
ps i learned to quote :smiley:

That means you must invest into military to defend if you dont pre-wall your base. pros don’t wall couse it costs resources and quickwalling is cheaper… you defend and get most resources back.

Only in your mind, i would fully wall my base and it woulndt happen, so would all the pros probably. what is aoe now if not raiding party already… go watch some games.

Well now almost every game you see archers couse of quickwalling… i dont get your point…

And now is important? i thought you said it was boring…

Aspects of quickwalling is what i find not interesting… you just see it differently, nothing wrong with that.

Well I think you can defend your eco just fine without quickwalling, you just have to invest abit more, by actually build walls before they attack not when the attack… everyone can do that. mybe not with drush, but militia is so weak that vills can fight them off… everything else you can be behind a wall with an archer in the back…

Civs have nothing to do with quickwalling, its a game mechanic works for all civs… and it can be different a little bit only.

Pros have no problems with dealing with many units at the same time… its just APM. that random skirmisher in you foundation is your problem couse you dont protect your constructions… and after 50% he cant enter again… if you can’t micro that, do it often to your opponent … i tell you they will quickly find a way. it works for both parties the same.

They will find new exploits, no worries…
Did they get angy couse they cant scout with buildings?? nope it was a bad design/bug like this is…
For pros bugs are “features” we don’t like ;D

Good point mister. That could be a concern, but could be dealt with… Scout in dark age should be weaker in damage mybe and you still can build your building to 50% wheile he is on the foundation, then send 1 vill to scour him away till you get to 51% and he cant enter again. :smiley: problem solved it is micro intensive, like quickwalling for pros only :smiley: but much more logical

Because this is the second time this cycle starts. They initially nerfed walling and there were less ping issues, which lead to more quickwalls. So there were complains about quickwalls, they nerfed quickwalling, Then there were complains about walling, so they nerfed walling. Now again complains about quickwalling. I just want to stop this silly process which leads to the pure raiding feast I described.
Defences are so heavily nerfed right now already that civs with bad eco have really bad odds of played succesfully, because the walls cost them even more ressources than before and protect less against the early agression.
If we follow this path further, 1/2 of the civs will become almost impossible to play in open maps. And the remaining will just play a raiding feast. Every damn game.

yeah, if you have a basic understanding of the game you would know defending is only worth it if you can outboom behind. If you have to spend all your ressources for defence you are doomed. If your opponent can pressure you because your eco is ahead you can’t split your forces because even if you have decent micro and the right counters the power units will trade cost efficient when outnumbering about 2-3:1 or just hit your eco and take some losses in the process - this is also totally worth it.

The already made defensive nerfs had a huge impact in the balance of the game and if we continue this road, we will see many interesting features disappear and the game becoming just a civ selection raiding feast. It’s just the wrong approach to get more aggression i the game.

The right approach would be to make feudal age a bit longer + give all civs acces to battered ram there, then we will see much more feudal agression and nobody would complain about walls, be them quick or slow.

So you want to nerf quickwalling in favor of walling? I wish you luck with this attempt.

We see a few archers often, yes. But rarely all in feudal archer agression. This would be the only play you will see if the spiral of these defensive nerfs continues until walls are unplayable.
Is there a “no wall” mod? Just play it a few times with your friends and you will see it will lead to exactly this: All-in Archers, going directly to raid gold and woodlines. Nothing else. Every game.

We see a lot more scout play right now than it was lately. Also because scout is a counterplay against archers + fully wall early AND is also good against scouts + feudal walling itself, it can damage the eco and if you are good with quickwalls you can protect your own eco against that too, so it is favorized if you slightly outclass your oponent.

Why? Just Why? Only because you don’t want to learn how to play good defence? When you climbed the ladder there were better players which showed you how you damage the eco with raids. Now you are better in offence and there are now players which show you how to defend well against that agression. Just learn how to defend well as you did with the offensive play. AOE2 is mastering both, and quickwalling is an important aspect of a good defensive play these days.
Of course it’s useless against archers, but to be fair: AOE is still dominated by Knights, even if archer openers are more frequent since start of DE.

If I see a player quickwalling good against me, I admire that. Its a strong defensive play and good awareness of him. I wish I could pull it of everytime I am attacked. And I don’t like if somebody complains just because other players are better in the game and then demand nerfs to nice features of the game. If you can’t pull of quickwall you will never be able to defeat players who can, they are just better. It doesn’t matter if quickwall is nerfed, they will just outmicro and outmacro you in many other situations.

For me it looks like just another “complain about a game feature instead of confessing to have reached the own limits” - thread. We all have our limits. I will also never be even close to pro-level. And I’m fine with that.

I am sorry i still dont get what you mean is happening. they nerfed wall that are not completed, not the completed walls. i still think that stone walls can defend well, palisade give you enough time to prepare or build another wall behind, they were nerfed in dark age only.

Defending vills is always worth it, why pros then quickwall? it is just the cheapest option available. It costs like 5-15 resources. The ballance of defence and aggression is the core key of the game, and it is the same with QW or without.

You can split your forces and harras him the same way he does to you, make him invest into defense also… just building defense will be bigger investment than it is now. couse you would actually wall your base.

Well agression is there already and it will be still. if you wont wall, you will get hammered fast. that is the only mayor difference it will bring. and castle dropping will be harder to pull off.

Rams would change nothing of what bothers me, but alot of gameplay. quickwalls would still be used, couse rams are so slow… when ram would get there, viper would already delete all his walling and move away or trap his units elsewhere.

Would that bring any problems? Walling is logical and much bigger commitment than QW.

dont get that point… archers are used becouse they COUNTER quickwalling. they might be used less then. A walled base is sth archers arent that good against. they are good vs walled lumber camps and gold mines.

Not sure i understand your point but archers COUNTER quickwalling , not walled bases. Scouts counter archers kinda, but are countered by quickwalling, which makes no sense.

I don’t care about what i can do and can’t i enjoy watching pro games and i would love to see them play without that stupid BUG you like and call a feature. I also use it in game even though i hate it, couse it is BEST tactic to pull off. i might not be able to do it every time like you, but it is always worth to try it. AND IT IS STILL STUPID BUG in my oppinion. IT IS no COMPLAINT of my defence skill WTF man is wrong with you? its a BUG from 2000 era games we players use as a feature which shouldn’t exist.

Yeah and if this “bug” was removed we would see full wall in every game. So lets just play hideout and arena.

well it is a commitment and a choice. player can choose his own fate and tactic.

Holy hell what a necro.

And here I was about to comment on etiquette from five months ago.

I hate when ppl assume I want change becouse i can’t do sth, its the same rules for everyone… I mostly hate it when i watch pro gameplay. Sry i got mad for 6 seconds there :confused:

They actually did what you mentioned here several months ago. Congrats! =)

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Further idea: Repairing a house from 1 hit point to full health costs the originally required resources.
(Right now TCs need twice the amount of wood and your stone count musn’t be 0, all other buildings only need half the cost of the required resource.)

Just give MAAs more damage vs buildings in feudal age and be done with it.

Case in point, buff counter-walling instead of removing quick-walling altogether.

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@Grakao is right. On other threads, people have complained that infantry is weak and not meta. So, instead of making walls weaker, make MAA and Long Swords better at breaking walls and houses.

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Buffing Longswords would be a very nice addition too to deal with quick walling with stone walls/gates or houses with more HP in Castle Age.

Until archers absolutely shred them.

Of course. It is a suggestion to just counter quick walling (mostly in feudal anyways where the militia line is at its best) and not archers. Otherwise just give them a huge amount of pierce armor on top of that so they can destroy houses and murder vils unchecked (which is obviously not what I’m proposing here).

Of course. That’s the rock-paper-scissors thing. Add some skirms alongside your infantry.

except its not rock paper scissors despite what you guys seem to think - LS also lose to cavalry.
there is no rock paper scissors on land except trash units.