I want to start by saying I’m not exactly good at the game, so my suggestions should very much be considered open to critique. However, I’ve been interested in the history of the Kingdom of Sicily for a couple of years now, and I was very exited when they were announced as a new civ. I actually enjoy the faction for the most part, but there are a few things I feel could be tweaked to both better represent the faction from a historical standpoint, as well as make them more interesting/viable to play as.
First of all, the unique techs. I know they have already been talked to death about, but I’d like to throw my hat into the ring on this one anyway. What I think would be the best route to take would be to move First Crusade to Imperial age and give them a new unique tech for Castle age. Yes, this would mean getting rid of Scutage, but honestly its such a weird and situational tech that I can’t really think of anyway to make it work. Think of it this way: the best time to research it is when you have a large army, ideally pop-capped, but at that point, why bother spending resources to get some gold when you could just uses those resources to add more units or replace losses. So if Scutage were dropped and 1st Crusade moved to Imp, I think a good idea for a new Castle age tech would be something along the lines of “Norman Adventurers” and might give, for example Serjeants, Knights, and the Militia-line +2 attack and +10 HP. (Again these numbers are open to alteration and balancing, this is just me putting ideas out there.) I also think, if moved to Imp, First Crusade might instead be changed to give 15 Serjeants per castle rathe then TC, up to a max of 4 castles. While this would have a higher max than the tech currently does, I think its fair since it can be a lot harder to build 4 castles then 5 TCs, especially if you are also spending stone on TCs and Donjons, plus being in Imp would make the sudden upsurge in units less disruptive and overwhelming than it is in castle.
Having mentioned the Donjon, I also feel it either needs a cost reduction or a stat buff, since they’re a bit easy to destroy for their price. I also think the Serjeant could use a slight cost reduction just to make them more viable as an alternative to M@A in Feudal. Even something as small as reducing their gold cost by 5 would help them a lot I feel, though personally I feel that 50f 30g would be the sweet spot.
Aside from that, maybe give them Thumb Ring and Ring Archer armor to make them more versatile? The whole historical draw Sicily has for to me is how they incorporated multiple cultures into one, including their military strengths, and it just feels weird to me for them to not have two techs that almost all of their constituent cultures have (Italians, Greeks/Byzantines, Berbers, Saracens).
Sorry for the wall of text. I’ve never made my own topic on this forum before, so I don’t really know what qualifies as “too long”. If one of the devs happens to read this then I would appreciate a response. It don’t even really need to include an opinion or feedback, just something to let me know someone relevant saw this and I’m not just wasting my time shouting into a void. Anyway, I’ve spent enough time typing this, I’m going to go play some ranked now.