Ideas to present to the devs for a full British re-work

Then what should be the entry-level, beginner-friendly civilization?
Yes, most of the European civs from the original games share a lot of their design, unit structure and availability, technologies and cards, and their design themes are obviously and heavily distinct them from American or Asian civs, and now ofc new ones from African expansions and other.

It’s not a boring civ. Maybe it is to you. But for someone coming from other RTS games, 25 variations of the musketeer unit or a seemingly endless number of mercenary units or natives is nauseatingly confusing, and especially if you’re a younger player raised on modern, ‘dumbed down’ games- overwhelming.
There’s nothing wrong with having more simple and approachable civs that players can jump right into without learning about some weird new currencies and mechanics. New expansions already added a lot of stuff that even AoE1/2 veterans have to really focus to understand.

It’s nothing for someone that played AoE3 since 2005, but for a new player- it’s not helpful. It’s improvement that on a practical level makes game harder to get into and recommend to someone blind.

Making game more historically accurate and robust in content doesn’t automatically equal to better game. It’s first and foremost a product that needs to be appealing to the general playerbase, especially if you’re interested in multiplayer and its health. Making a complex game that features more units than maybe the rest of the franchise combined, even more complex is the opposite of what should’ve been done.

How about instead of wasting dev manpower on uncalled for redesign of old mechanics, another 8 units and 15 cards we’ll get some campaigns or reworked AI or anything that will help sales of AoE3? Somebody that didn’t get into 3DE won’t care about Scots Grey. It’s nonsense.
Will Gentlemen at Arms help someone explain why AI can’t build walls at all, to a new player interested in jumping into AoE3 from IV or 2DE?
Will it make it more attractive in terms of content? The game features 3 (three) campaigns. Should I count ones in 2DE?

It’s a great initiative- if you want the game to continue to stagnate.