Can we get a cumulative idle villager graph in the post-game? The current idle vill graph tells you idled at some point, but it’s extremely noisy and the impact of short idling times is very hard to discern. It’s also very difficult to compare idling between players in a meaningful way.
A cumulative graph would show the overall impact of short idling periods, as your cumulative graph will steadily increase. You could actually see how much collection time was wasted total for each player, which would help players identify when they need to improve their idling.
About score:
I believe buildings that do not actually improve one’s income or protect one’s base should not be calculated into score. namely: houses, manor houses, longhouses, villages, community plazas, tribal marketplace, livestock pens, mills, estates, rice paddies, arsenals, capitols, consulates, barracks, stables, saloons, and artillery foundries.
These buildings are investments that have not necessarily paid for themselves upon being built, and therefore they do not actually indicate a player’s present advantage.
For example, say a french player spends the first 5 minutes of the game building 20 houses while his swedish opponent builds 15 torps. Assuming all else equal, their scores will be the same, but the sweden player is actually far ahead of the french player because the french players’ houses provide no economic value.
The same can be said about any of the above buildings. A player could rush to build 10 of any of these buildings, but since the building itself provides no direct value, the player who builds 10 stables by minute 8 is actually far behind his opponent. This should be reflected in the score.
This would help ease score discrepancies between civilizations, and economic score would actually indicate the size of players’ economies, which would be helpful for post-game analysis. It feels bad for a lot of players to see their British opponent miles ahead in score, when in reality that score is massively inflated by the manor houses, which provide no really benefit of their own (besides LoS) after being constructed. Overall this change would make the game friendlier for newcomers, and easier to analyze for players who are trying to improve.