If Spearmen-line units has plus 1 range

If this were to be a standard feature, it would still be cost-effective by the virtue of only requiring resources that are usually plentiful. If the spear-line were to cost gold too (in addition?) then it might be workable but that would also introduce other issues to consider.

I could see it becoming a civ bonus but not for everyone.

kamayuk - 8 damage + 4 from blacksmith + 12 bonus damage for 24 total. 24/2 = 12 dps
halb 6 damage + 4 from blacksmith + 32 bonus for a total of 42. 42/3 =14 dps

Yes, that’s why I said Pikes, not Halbs. Halbs have higher DPS, but the questioning is if there could be a pike upgrade instead which gives pikes one more range instead of adding (bonus) damage.

Halbs with extra range wouldn’t make sense.

but comparing pikes to an elite unique unit is a bit of a mismatch.

OFC, but that’s why kamayuks are a well rounded unit and pikes can basically only fear away cavalry.

The questioning is if there is a way to make a more realistic pike lategame design and if it would add some more depth to the lategame, working eg. more efficient against cav spams. And Kamayuk are a good comparison cause they have +1 range and bonus vs cavalry like that pike line would have.

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oh i agree, a kamayuk is a good comparison, but to compare their dps is a bit of a stretch.
you’re comparing an imp unique unit that costs gold to a trash barracks unit that can be made dirt cheap.

I know this is a crazy suggestion but if you are going up against massed halbs it actually makes you have to use swordsman line. You could even make it so second line spearmen deal less damage.

Opener said, it is not meant as a request to implement it and and all seem to agree, that it would break the balance. But with a reduction of the anti cavalry bonus as a compensation (the amount can be found by testing it in the editor, until the result in performance is similar to the way it is now), i see no harm. More range for the spear line fits to the units concept, so why not.


If spears had +1 range archers would always be the better counter since they wouldn’t need to get hit, while infantry would suffer from getting hit by two rows of enemies.


Sure if you take them at face value and give them no downsides.

You have no imagination man.

giving the spearman line 1 extra range is a good idea and would not require a lot of rebalancing.

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I would change their cost to gold