If the Town Center automatically built villagers, would the game be better?

I find it very interesting, in the same spirit with the @Thomas2Tommy proposal:

The already existing automatic farm reseeding & automatic fish trap rebuilding are in practice this thing I believe, and nobody is complaining about those.

To me it’s a fair QoL feature for the players, to actually let them be able to put an order no matter how big it is.

It’s not a way to save players from their tactical obligation to make what’s necessary to keep the food supply, and to stop villager production when needed. It is a way to save them from the current awful, repetitive action to put a vill every few seconds, for all the time your food stockpile is close to zero (nearly the whole time, if you want to stay competitive, as well as in danger to develop carpal tunnel).

Maybe can be expandable to every production building of the game.


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