If 100% faster TC and Castle drop is a thing, Sicilians will be #1 in nomad and very very annoying for their castle drop. Also 33% less bonus damage means you will win every single skirmisher vs skirmisher battle and knight can kill camel in castle with equal upgrades. If they have camels, they will also win every single camel vs camel fight.
Expect within 3 months a 10-15% bonus reduction in all those civs and they will say it is finally balanced, 10 months after they start balancing deeper a little just to announce 2 more OP civs in the upcoming 2 months.
If the two civs end up being OP, then half-jokingly I expect the next DLC civs to be OP Monk civs to counter the OP Knight civs. Then OP Archer civs to counter the OP Monk civs. Then OP Siege civs to counter the OP Archer civs 11.
I hate pay to win mechanics, but I’ve bought the DLC basically as a way to donate money to the developers to help make continued development worthwhile.
I feel like the devs made some strange dev choices. For example:
Some bugs wont get fixed at all, even they are part of the game since release and pretty much game breaking.
We dont really need new civs and the DLC most likely only add new civs. There seems to be not much more in the DLC.
The introduction of Quick play was a complete disaster. They also made other bad dev choices in my opinion.
I have no idea how they would manage the ranked queue with DLC, without splitting everything in two groups, which increase waiting time and lead to worse match ups or they will use the HD method, of limiting the civs choices for non DLC users in ranked, which is also bad. I feel like the devs didnt really think about this issues.
The lack of info makes me think that the DLC is still half finished, so you buy some half finished product.
I am against pay to win features. I just dont buy those.
By paying the DLC you kind of say you like those dev choices of the dev, but i dont like them at all…
I agree, but mixed in with everything else there have been some useful changes such as the fairly recent change to the default wall layout. I’d prefer it if they focused on improvements like that and bug fixes rather than new modes like Battle Royale, but it needs funding for there to be any possibility at all of future useful improvements.
I just want to see their team bonuses with other civs. Like Berber team bonus with Turks can change game. If these civs are OP wait a month to get nerfed. We already mentioned these but I have another bad feeling about DLC.
If you don’t have DLC, you don’t get these civs when you are playing a random game. Like if you didn’t like Sicilians and don’t want to play as them, just disable the DLC at Steam. I don’t know how Microsoft Store works.
Like in HD people usually hated Rise of Rajas civs. You could disable DLC and higher your chance to get other civ other than Rise of Rajas. I am telling higher because one civs available for free for everyone. I think free civs changes weekly.
1: There will be a timed window where we don’t know if they are op or counterable. Since it is new , sometimes it takes a bit to get used to playing with and against the civs. New tactics will either be great or bad. This doesn’t mean they are imbalanced or balanced. Takes time.
2: Balancing happens continually and the information that the devs get from statistics along with viewpoints of the community (latter can be difficult: because people think they are better than they really are and blame imbalance for their mistakes, not every time but quite a lot).
3: Don’t get worked up, behave like adults and use patience. Your world won’t burn because there are balance issues.