I'm sorry, I couldn't help it heheh [RAID MEME] [Poll included]

Pro tip :ok_hand:, place an outpost if you are forced to seek farther away natural resources, that way you can garrison the far away settlers when they are under danger giving you a chance to get reinforcements or sneak out when the enemy doesnā€™t pay attention.
Probably works even better with Chinese, since you can place villages instead which donā€™t attack hence not attracting attention to a passing scout.


PS: Iā€™m not photoshoping a female settler here so donā€™t ask, yeeeshā€¦

Well guys, since we are in the topic of raiding (Picking off settlers or building without fully engaging military regiments), Iā€™d like to know how is the meta right now?

What combo do you use to raid mostly?
  • Heavy Cavalry
  • Light Cavalry
  • H&L Cavalry combo
  • Heavy Infantry
  • Light Infantry
  • H&L Infantry combo
  • Cav&Inf combo
  • Artillery push in fast fortress
  • Ultra mixed army

0 voters


In what age do you raid mostly?
  • Age I, Iā€™m annoying settlers with my explorer/pet heheheh (TOXIC)
  • Age II, I canā€™t let them grow too comfortable
  • Age III, because Iā€™m using upgraded/special units (Š¾ŠæрŠøĢŃ‡Š½ŠøŠŗ!)
  • Age IV, Iā€™m making definitive massacre raiding before pushing
  • Age V, Iā€™m on treaty or I forgot to raid earlier lol

0 voters

Thx for clicking this post :3

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I like that the oprinchnik is in the middle, because heā€™s the king of raids

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Thatā€™s ma dude, Iā€™m a Russian main player :smiley:

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The Steppe Rider is so bad, it didnā€™t get to be in the picture :ā€™(

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There were 5 dudes in the picture :V
It is good however, there is a Age-II card that turns them into cheap Oprichniks, gets them extra vs villagers and extra siege (Oprichnicks also have an extra vs artillery and siege units however).