In game responsiveness is slower in multiplayer

Wow this info is real. that points out some serious net code or server issue.

When I play on my default Asian server, even if I have 80 ping the rubber banding of units is really noticeable and commands take like random 200 ms to take effect. It is immediately noticeable right at the start of the game where the FPS is ~140 and nothing big happening.

But when I create a game on East US on purpose, even though I have 190ms ping the rubber banding is gone and command delay is just stable 190ms, no random extra delay.

This doesn’t seem to happen last year (before the 2022 Jan patch), at least from what I see in my online team games back then.

I cannot confirm it is fixed.

Hello everyone,

Check this post :smiley:

Thanks! The PUP seems to solve the problem.
I tried limiting FPS to 60, 144, and unlimited. All worked!

this has worked for me. Thanks!