Inca team Bonus

I think the latter one would be enough actually… but maybe this was: farms and farm upgrades 100 % faster.
Still I don’t think the current bonus is bad, but if it’s just people get annoyed by that one or two farms don’t get the whole upgrade… I just don’t want to read that anymore :smiley:

you can use the map copy tool to duplicate your entire test setup, then convert the copy to player 2, then repeat. you can do up to 8 at a time like that. im not sure about triggers like assigning villagers to the farms, might want to use the AI since youll already be limited to 8.

if you wanted to get really clever after x amount of time, save the food scores, kill all the farms, etc and reset food to 0 and run it again but also simply starting the test over

if you arent needing to track resource collections seperately you could copy your test a BUNCH of times on a LUD map i used this method to test my villager collision fix tests.

btw .1999 instead of .2 colision size makes a big difference.

NO. I like the bonus. :wink:

I like missionaries, that doenst mean they arent kinda useless

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Somebody suggested that farm upgrades affect existing farms. That sounds pretty useful.

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well burgundian farms placed in dark age upgraded in feudal to castle age farms? Dream comes true!
Not to mention teuton farms sling in that scenario xD

You got a point there. In that case speeding up farm upgrades along with farm building time sounds like a good option

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don’t even know if this is possible with the engine the game runs on.

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This sounds kinda OP for a team bonus. Would be fine for a civ bonus. Regarding the team bonus, I can’t see a reason why Slinger shouldn’t be a team bonus. Incas could get the effect of andean sling as a team bonus and have that UT replaced for something like “kamayuk, slingers and skirms move 10% faster”

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Here are two more that were mentioned:

Llama bonus becomes the TB
To replace that eagles cost 5 less food, (eagle food cost is increased for Aztecs and Mayans, so effectively Incan eagles stay the same).
Eagles cost so little food it’s easy to boom and flood. This is an issue. It was actually well demonstrated in RBW4. Mayans and Aztecs could take the slight nerf easily.

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I just hope the new team bonus involves either food or gold.

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This is the best suggestion in my eyes. Keep it simple and make it better.


Im sticking with keep it the same. I appreciate the fact incas are a good all around civ that can be a jack of all trades for thier team and dont need anything more.

Though i still wish the terraced farms were somehow possible and would prevent raiding. or at least a price discount for farms built on elevation

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Well problem is, in team game you don’t need “jack of all trades” civs for the simple reason you don’t have one but several tech trees at your disposal. So why have one player go say, kamayuk+arbs when you could have an Indian pocket that can chase enemy cav and escape enemy archers (team game maps are a lot bigger than 1v1 maps so that’s way more important) and a more specialized archer civ in flank or a cav archer civ will do the job better for ranged damage. This makes team coordination easier, it means each player only has to tech for one type of unit rather than two, ect…

So in this context, leaving Incas with a TB that risks making your whole team research horse collar for nothing is dubious to say the least.


The current team bonus: according to spirit of the law, inca farmers work at 1.3% icreased rate in the dark age, 0.9% after horse collar, 0.7% after heavy plow + wheelbarrow and 0.5% after crop rotation + hand cart. According to reddit, it’s 1.9% in the dark age, 0.6% in the castle age and 0.4% in the imperial age. According to Mubashir158, it’s between 1.79% and 2.2%.

Even if we take into account only the top values, the bonus is negligible and useless right now. It’s time to stop with gimmicky things that ruin build orders like faster building time, etc. Bonuses are supposed to be a boost. In this case it’s supposed to be a boost to farming, regardless of the mechanic or method. So let’s forget about the means and let’s focus on the outcome. Let’s keep it simple and direct:

Team bonus: Farmers work 2.5% faster.

Like it seems it was intended from the very beginning, but the devs just wanted to make it “unique” to avoid repetition. There are many bonuses that are repeated already anyway, for example malians and vikings cheaper docks, mayans’ longer resources and tatars’ more sheep meat, chinese and italian cheaper dock technologies, etc.

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It is not negligible or useless. Also never before I heard someone said this a gimmick. Is waiting 7.5 seconds that hard to maintain the BO? In that case why not proposing farm upgrades are also 100% faster instead of a quarter of Slavs bonus? And you know what?

None of them are copy-paste like you’re suggesting the new one.

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Look 1. It is. 2. The TB doesn’t ruin your BO if you are the player that picked inca obviously, but it does ruin your teammates. 3. Giving them 100% faster mill upgrades won’t change much. It will fix the building time mess ups, but farmers will still work 1.3/1.9% faster in the dark age and then drop to 0.9% in feudal, and keep going lower and lower after aging up to the point it’s 0.5/0.4% during imperial. Useless.
Edit: oops I thought you wrote 100% faster for both farms (extra +100%) and upgrades. My bad.

They have the same mechanics and work exactly the same. Other than being resource selective or just the wording.

Have to disagree.

Unless you remember that you have an Inca team mate.

If the percentage value is what I’m finding it is definitely not useless.

None of them are change in “just wording” though. 15% all resource vs 50% herdable are overlapping indeed but not change in “just wording”.

Yes, of course. But some of are “similar” rather than “same”. For example, our discussion topic Incas faster farm build time works same as Spanish faster build time (Spanish farms are also built 30% faster). And its final impact works similar to Slavs faster farming.

Have to agree with you on that one.

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But it happens.
I know where you are coming from, you are right. It’s the player’s fault most of the time, and it’s not so bad in low elo matches. Some may think it doesn’t even matter. But in high elo matches where you are busy trying to do many things at once, it’s frequent. It’s also where mess ups ripple the hardest.

Awesome. Posts your results when you finish. It’d be nice if you run tests for each age too.