The last few years. We have noticed changes to unique techs like for vikings, persians, ethiopians and many others that used to be exclusive to unique units. These changes proved to be very well received and gave more to civ identity.
So, we should make unique techs not exclusive to unique units either by make them affects other units or replace them and include them in their elite upgrade.
Here’re the list of remaining techs that only affect unique units (excluding cost reduction techs):
byzantines: logistica for cataphracts (trample damage)
Franks: bearded axe (+1 range to axeman)
Goths: anarky (huskarls spawn in barracks)
Huns: Maraunders (tarkans spawn in stables)
Again it won’t be free and it will be only include after researching elite upgrade in imperial.
Do you have any propositions?
Here’re my propositions:
include in elite upgrade and replace +10 population space unique bonus to the unique tech or infantry occupy 0.9 pop space
include in elite upgrade and Cavalry +1 or +2 damage to buildings.
include in elite upgrade and siege around castles regenerate hp.
include in elite upgrade and stone cost reduction to towers
include in elite upgrade and infantry regenerate hp
Carrack (+1/+1 armor to ships): (currenlty useful on water maps only):
(+1/+1 armor to ships and to bombard canons and/or hand canoneer
Nomads (destroyed houses dont decrease pop) and TC can be packed/unpacked (like in gaiseric compaign).
can add a new strategies. like moving base in team games