India is even more Mughal Now

@Catalytic3351 came up with his ideas for Persian civilization and Indian civilization. He even emphasized at the end of the paragraph that it was worth a debate, showing his tolerance for dissent.

Instead of giving your thoughts on his ideas, you just call him a hypocrite rudely.

Over the past year or two, as I have thought more and more, my stance has become more and more agreed that splitting civilizations in AoE3 is the last last resort. And I have expressed the reasons in many threads (the following link is just one of them), pointing out the difference between AoE2 and AoE3 and why AoE3 should not and never need to follow the route of AoE2.

When I rationally point out the mistake of your argument, you are unwilling to discuss it but directly said me trolling…

I just also saw that someone made their own opinion and even historical evidence about the sails of Indian ships for AoE2 in the another your thread. You don’t respond to his evidence, but take his opinion harshly and criticize him for being a troll account, only because his opinion is contrary to yours and his account is very new.

Exactly. The revolutionary country civilizations are pot worms.
They should better update the revolution mechanics to something interesting and competitive to represent those revolutionary country well.
We cannot take back an existing civilization, but I don’t want to see this “bad habit” in Asia.

I believe there could indeed be more of the non-Mughal elements.
Such as other new cards, and even new mercenaries, such like Maratha Light Infantry.

We can already see the Mysorean Rockets and Rocketeers. The Indian civilization isn’t just more Mughal.