India needs an late game update. Ideas and suggestions

I have supported training the consulate cannon as individual or groups of units instead of with the cavalry and making them pop from shipment points, that is a pretty good buff to export and India in general.

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From the looks of it, y’all just wanna turn India into a zero-strategy civ that follows the exact same pattern as every other instead of letting them have their unique strengths and weaknesses that make them so fun to play well. I promise a regiment of well-targeted Urumi will shred heavy infantry much faster than any artillery round could for far less population space.


There is no doubt on the anti-heavy inf capabilities of the Urumi. its the hyper inefficiencies in mechanincs and logistics of Indian gameplay, that makes India worse to play than it appears on paper, in longer games.

India DoesNT need a one or two major buffs! it needs several very minor corrections to speed up the gameplay and eco a little bit. such that the eco and military corrections complement each other.


Why do you assume I don’t use Urumi?? And if you are relying on shipping Urumi then you aren’t shipping wood crates which means you can’t have access to mahouts.
And if urumi are so pivotal for India why are they not trainable. Again I see no reason why India doesn’t have access to artillery if it’s only counter for masses of heavy infantry is a slow training and moving light infantry unit which is never there when you need it most.

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As opposed to the zero strategy counter to India which being mass melee heavy infantry backed by a few canons. Now that requires lots of skill. Honest.

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But mass melee infantry with cannons is easily countered by siege elephants and sepoys.

Just buff the elephant pop reduction card in age 3.

If all ele was just 5 pop (Mahout, Howdah, siege) they would be op by tommorow

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In what universe? There is no way India can keep up in that engagement. Sepoy in melee aren’t THAT strong(they are good but not that good). And siege eles get shredded by heavy infantry. Plus India can’t maintain numbers so the point is moot.

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Have you checked the stats of sepoys? They basically keep up with redcoats. They are the best muskets at melee combat. And most of them will use ranged attack anyway.

So when I say melee heavy infantry that means red coats for you not halbs?

Red coats trash halebardiers, so sepoys should be fine.

So that means you don’t play India then. Why bother giving this ‘feedback’ then?
And to answer your question no the sepoys will get overwhelmed as their numbers can’t be replenished in a reasonable enough time.

so the problem is train times, like we’ve been saying for weeks. i sound like a broken record, but give india a mosque at the otto cons for the train times and within 2 days people will be SCREAMING for gurkha and sepoy to be nerfed, guaranteed.


very unlikely ! they aren’t so OP. Neither the faster train time should be an instant spam. A 15% or so is fine. Non-India Players wont even notice it 1000% guaranteed.


Here’s an idea out of left field - Change the card Shivaji’s Tactics from a team card to an India-only card, then change it to allow India to train all (or specific) units in batches of 10 instead of 5.

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ele poderiam aumentar o dano do elefante de cerco para 100 com multiplicador de 3x para elefantes assim como os canhÔes iroqueses 3x1 e da uma carta de treinamento dos russos 25%-


What I want to know is how many top players actually play India in treaty especially the 30 or above format. That should give a great indication of how fit it is for this format and how many tweaks it requires.

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Almost negligible.

And the similar goes for casual lobby also.

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Those are great suggestions or the damage radius of siege elephants could be made 2 or 3.

Well that means there are a number of factors which are working against India and not just training times which are just the most visible.

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