Trying to publish an audio replacement mod, but I keep getting Internal Server Error popups whenever I try. Restarting the game and changing the description makes no difference.
Looks like you already figured it out and were able to publish the mod, but for future reference you can’t use a .jpeg file extension, it should be .jpg. I’ll check with the team on getting better error messaging.
I’m having this issue too. Only thing I can think of is that my mod is fairly large (file size is around 596 KB), but I’ve seen larger mods get published in the workshop.
The problem originally resolved itself with no changes on my end.
Now having the issue again with a mod pretty much identical to my other Beta Portrait mods. No jpegs, just png’s. Managed to publish fine this morning but all evening i’ve been getting exactly the same Server Error message.
Is that the Gaia one? It’s got a .pdn file, which also isn’t allowed.
Ah, so it does, my mistake. Some better error codes would be really valuable though!
How you change the audio for the units or godpowers?
I was extracting everything from the and changing the wav sounds and tried to publish but it keeps sending me “Internal server error”