Introducing the Age Insider Forum!

Hello Age forum-goers!

As you’ve likely noticed, a brand-new :eye: Insiders category has appeared on the forum. This isn’t a mistake; in fact, the new category marks the first of many quality of life changes on the way for our Age Insiders!

What is it?

The :eye: Insiders category is a place where Insiders (and soon-to-be-Insiders) can talk and learn more about the opportunities that come with being an Age Insider.

  • Have questions about what it means to be an Insider? Ask them here!
  • Having trouble with your application? Ask for help!
  • Want to know what betas are coming soon? You’ll find updates here!

In short, it’s a place for Insiders to hang out and talk when they’re between beta opportunities: a place where they can discuss, ask questions, and provide feedback about the Insider program itself! Though the forum is accessible to anyone who wants to learn more about the program, we’re working towards a future where our Insiders can also display a shiny badge and title on their profile—a special way for them to show off their dedication to their favorite Age games!

Note that this is NOT a place for Insiders to discuss confidential, beta-related information. There are super secret forums that will open up for players who are selected for any given opportunity!

Other Insider changes

In addition to a new discussion forum, we’ve also revisited and rebuild the registration process for those of you still looking to join the Insider program. Whether you had trouble completing it previously or want to invite your friends, you can visit to check out the new registration flow!

We’ve also released a new Profile page where you can review your Insider details and update your information. Give it a look and make sure your DxDiag and Steam details are correct—we use this information when selecting our beta participants!

These are only the first steps we’re taking to expand the Insider program, and we’re excited to share some of the other big changes that are still in the works! For now: a huge THANK YOU to all of our current and future Age Insiders for joining us on this journey; we can’t wait to work with you soon!


I don’t see any info about my insider status in there, although I am signed up. Only button “Insider signup” and “Clan Settings” section are visible


We’re taking a look at this now! Thanks for the report!


Thanks! I cleared my cookies and had to log in again to site and still don’t see my insider status.
If I by any chance am not registered as insider, then please let me know.
I reregistered as insider approximately 1.5 hours ago just moments before people started receiving invites, so maybe something went wrong.

You should get an email from Microsoft studios that welcome you as an insider if the process is complete check your inbox.

Yes, I got this email but don’t see my insider profile.
I tried to do the insider signup process now again through “Insider signup” button, but after marking checkboxes for being over 18 and agreeing to NDA I got error
“Please enter a valid preferred email address for which you wish to receive updates about the Insider Program” although I had no chance to enter my email anywhere (guess it was taken automatically from my profile).

Then you don’t have to worry, if you got the email you’re an insider. I myself can’t see my insider info on the forums and i’ve been an insider since the DE days and reregisterd a while ago for the AOE2 DE beta. So this all seems to be a website issue more so than anything else.

I’ve also noticed the exact same issue referenced above (re-doing the survey fixed it). I signed up as soon as it was open to registration (and received all of the correct emails etc) - does this mean I’m not on the system?

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I signed up and received a confirmation email saying that I am now in the running for the beta. Apparently now there’s a website update that let’s you see your DxDiag specs and mine isn’t there. It’s asking me to sign up for the insiders program which I already did. I actually signed up 2x because I realized my storage was low the first time. I am now not going to be in the beta even though I signed up for it. I think that’s unfair.


I managed to fix my profile issue by first unsubscribing by link in my insider email and then doing the whole registration again through “Insiders” link in AOE website main menu. Registration was little bit different than in the past.
Now my profile shows up correctly :slight_smile:
Did not need to delete cookies in the meantime.

I sincerely hope that this trouble with insider profile was not the reason why I have not gotten into beta in first 3 waves.

Hello, my username followed by some numbers are constantly floating around the screen like a screen saver does. How do I disable this?

You cannot, the name is there to identify the person behind leaks.