Is it a Relic tradition that the UI is not good?

I’ve played DoW 2, CoH 1, CoH 2. In DoW 2, You can’t see the damage value of units during the game. In Company of Heroes Series, You can’t see even the hit points of units as well as the damage value. Why do Relic games always have such “unkind” UI? In StarCraft II, You can check units’ damage value, hit points, range, movement speed, attack speed and so on.

And the UI of the Age of Empires III is also good. You can check units’ damage value, hit points, range, movement speed, attack speed and even splash radius. But what would happen if Relic makes the sequel to this game? Will it follow the tradition of Relic? I am seriously concerned about that.

Dunno about DOW but in COH the damage is kind of random, they can fire a shot but miss because they stepped on a rock or for no reason just bad luck. It’s not a precision system like in AOE where, to simplify for the sake of argument, if your unit deals 4 damage and the opponent has 1 armor, an order to hit once will result in 3 damage almost every time.
I think they realise AOE is not COH and wont go for the COH system this time.

@IamDalv said:
Dunno about DOW but in COH the damage is kind of random, they can fire a shot but miss because they stepped on a rock or for no reason just bad luck. It’s not a precision system like in AOE where, to simplify for the sake of argument, if your unit deals 4 damage and the opponent has 1 armor, an order to hit once will result in 3 damage almost every time.
I think they realise AOE is not COH and wont go for the COH system this time.

Then I think they should have indicated damage value ranges. For example, like “21-27” or something like that in WarCraft III.

DOW 1 had an allright, even somewhat standard UI. Company of Heroes onward, however, things went a bit haywire. I just tried playing COH 2 the other day, and felt like tearing my eyes out by the end of it. No idea why they suddenly forgot to make their stuff usable…

I think AOE 4 will be somewhat similar to what we are already used to. UI changes will occur if new mechanics are added, however ultimately how we adapt and become comfortable will depend on how solid tutorials will be.

I’m sure we’ll be able to see the stats of each individual unit just like how we were able to in Age of Empires III. If it’s not offered right off the bat I’m sure in closed alpha / beta the testers will make sure that feature gets implemented. As far as my programming skills go I don’t see how it would be difficult to display that information as that info already exists in game because the units already need to know that information. It would just be a matter of displaying it to the players.