Is it too much to ask for that Scenario Editor shows the middle of the Map?

Seriously many scenario makers want to know where the middle of the map is, and little red marker on all the 4 edges indicating the middle of that edge? and maybe a diffrent colored marker indicating the middle of one middle part? So a fourth of the map?
Everyone is fed up finding the middle with counting 60 tiles and misscounting everytime when moving the screen
Give me the source code of DE and i (as a not so good coder) would code it myself in a few hours


I agree. Some coordinate system support would be soo soo good.

Best would be if scenarios could be saved in a txt based format that is human readable, so that I can go ahead and edit it with notepad++.

For example copying and mod fing triggers wold be very flexible that way.

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Hey, don’t necro 4-year-old topics.