It takes 60 connected buildings to trigger the last tier of the Golden Age.
I’ve been playing a lot of Abbasid, and many of my games went to the 40min mark, and yet I think most times I didn’t even came close to achieving that tier.
Is it worth spamming outposts or something just to unlock it, perhaps?
It’s pretty hard tbh but not impossible depeding on where production of units is coming from. Likely you will have around 20 houses maybe slightly less and hopefully at least 10 production buildings, blacksmith market university tc etc. Putting you close to 40. Likely you will have a few resource buildings (I dont delete my extra lumber camps) putting you around 50. 10 extra buildings isnt too hard especially if you might also have a fort or extra TC or 2 and maybe some extra production buildings, but its more a post-imp bonus.
Yea, just spamm some extra houses, they’re so cheap, and be ruthlessly ambitious and attentive to resetting your woodlines, every camp helps. Between that and needing like 15-20+ production buildings in a typical late game Its fairly easy to get to.