I would suggest map gen have 0% chance generating hills on primary gold, berries, back wood and at least one secondary gold. Otherwise it’s just too disadvantageous to defend. We are playing Arabia, not Basin.
Also get rid of those deer behind woodlines please.
I really dont get the point why having so much highlands for.
This map is already shit for player2, 1 stone + 2 golds at the front
and the 2 golds he can’t even build a TC for protection.
Once the opponent push a castle in the middle player 2 will be eventually ###### ############
if i were him I will only go 1TC all-in in this game.
True. That mongol picking is kinda annoying. But the issue with megarandom is that, well, it’s completely random. And not random in a good way. It’s on the level of preparing for chess and learning you are playing monopoly on a caroms board.
This map is also suitable for Gurjaras and Britans, because often a lot of sheep. The Meta is very undiversified on MegaRandom, much less than on Arena. The uninteresting rendering (unlike Zetnus Maps in hyperRandom).
Precisely its random generations making that sometimes, have very “crappy” Gold make that it forces a player who only plays “Wall-Meta” to play “All-In Meta”. It’s so enjoyable! I really like this change
Yes, I’m one of those people who love Arabia again since the update
The Arabia since the latest patch has actually changed for the better. It used to be that your base is always a really similar layout to the enemy base, but now it seems to be a lot more random. I just rewatched 2x games in a row where my opponents gold and berries were both forward, but my gold and berries were the opposite both times, right at the back with easy to wall woodlines. Having a bad map forces you into early aggression, so it’s ultimately a good thing for your skillset to have unfair maps occasionally. Victories are more satisfying in the underdog position too.
Honestly I dont understand why anyone would complain about Arabia beein too open, having bad woodlines, too many hills whatsoever, as long as there are other maps in the pool like for example Mongolia - a map very similar to Arabia, but with more close woodlines, more cliffs, and much easier to wall.
If you like walling meta, chilly boom on 3 tcs until imp with almost no army, then I suggest just go for other maps.
It sounds like you don’t play Arabia. 90%+ of the times there will be feudal and castle age aggressions, regardless of walling.
And yes, walling is necessary no matter how open the map is. Because it gives you time to react to harassment, so you can avoid a lot of idle time or vils killed. Without walling how do you even move your army out of your base?
Because walling is necessary, the game is now often unfair, because one’s map can be more open than the other’s.
Plus, open maps just favor cav civs too much: mobility and all in potential. In 1500 elo range, 9 out of 10 times I will face a cav civ. Diversity is killed.
Very similar to Arabia? Did you play Mongolia? It’s more like Arena with hills. Always FC booming.
Actually Arabia is my favourite map, so I play other maps only if I “have to”.
In the past when Arabia was way more open than now, I played like 90% of my games without walling - just aggression and defending with army, and it worked.
Yeah maps should be open on both sides, agreed.
I guess you could say that about some previous Arabia versions as well.
About 3 years ago, even Jon Slow, who is usually known to play only Arena like maps, decided to play Arabia, because it was so easy to wall (and FC).
Not to mention Hoang who did his famous FC - Siege Push almost every game.
And those are only two of many examples.
Of course, experiences can vary, but in general, your statement is just wrong.
That’s what makes the new Arabia more exciting. An unfair map forces the hand of the player with the bad map. But it’s not an auto-loss for the bad map player because they can still even the playing field with a super aggressive all-in feudal or an all in 1 TC castle age (or both). If both bases are just mirror images of each other e.g. with safe golds and berries, there’s too much camping with archers behind walls until castle age. You can usually fairly easily wall out MAA or scouts with small walls or partial walls to TC and if you have a forward gold you can tower it if you have to. Unfair maps are random so there’s no conspiracy against you in the map scripts. It should be a fairly equal distribution of advantageous maps vs. bad maps. RM Random Map should be exactly that, it should be random, not a complete mirror image. Having to adapt to the randomness improves your skill level, even if the unfairness of maps loses you games sometimes.
He did both, FC with and sometimes without drush as well.
My point was that there were a lot of (known high level) players showing that FC (with or without drush) was a valuable strategy on previous Arabia versions.
I remember. That’s when DE first launched. But it was only couple of months and never again. I’m not favoring that kind of Arabia either.
I think the Arabia right before KotD4 was the best. At least enough flat ground to place ideal extra TCs. That’s a minimum requirement for strat variety.
Problem is, bad map player is forced to all in, while good map player can also choose to all in. And an all-in would punish bad map harder. This means good map player can dictate the flow of the game. It’s not good design at all.
And no, equally good maps don’t mean camping on both sides. You just have all the choices available. And that was how Arabia gained popularity.
I undestand you want the perfect spot to place the TC on gold, but in a scenario like this you should simply build your TC near other resources and then drop a mining camp. This way gold miners could have some sort of protection.
E.g. you could build a TC near to the stone, and another one near to the woodline
Not the best map but it’s not that bad. Just put a castle on the hill in between the forward stone and gold. And a TC to the north of the right forward gold near the woodline.