Is there an "AOE DE Manual?"

Online, a couple websites came up in a search for the AOE DE Manual:"Age+of+empire+definitive+edition+user+manual"&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS930US930&oq="Age+of+empire+definitive+edition+user+manual"&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30.1316j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

They look like junk websites, but the first one quotes a link from the “Assyria” entry on the AOE Wiki page, and I don’t know if that quote is in a real AOE DE Manual or not.

I am not aware of any real AOE DE Manual, but there are old AOE1 ROR (1999) manual copies online.


AOE1 had an original Encyclopedia that came up when you pressed HELP in the menu.
Now I have Windows 10 and when I press that button, it brings me to a Microsoft screen that there is an Error opening help in Windows based programs.


They are pretty much the same game if you don’t include the balance changes.

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