Re-chec they have a LIGHT ranged cav tag
yes they compact together like ryuter in range mode ! with a 2 rate of fire!
scenerio editor is trash to test real scenerios, where it is not always possible for some civs to match the pop vs pop, while others have a 100+ pop available for army! try 1v1 with 50 vs 50 at imperial and all cards in from both sides
With and without micro! with mode change and without mode changes! U will find just tiny bit of micro/ode change will change the results!! 40hakka vs 50 sepoys get slaughtered, 30pop vs pop howdahs leave 20 hakka left, 50 vs 50 rajputs leave 17, 50 vs 50 zam leave 11. 100 zams does destroy 50 hakka though
there are multiple cases when the swedish player will go to age 4 and just spam hakka