Italian translation issues

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

  • BUILD #: 100.12.3552.0
  • PLATFORM: Microsoft Store
  • OS: Windows 10

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED

:question: DESCRIBE THE ISSUE IN DETAIL (below). Limit to ONE issue per thread.

Here are some issues in Italian translation:

  1. In Campaign starting screen, the “EASY” difficulty level label should be “Facile”
  2. In all scenarios and cutscenes between them, names of who speaks are never translated, for example (but not only):
    • Blood campaign, scenario “Nelle grotte/Into the caves”: the soldier talking to Morgan in the beginning cinematic is named “Soldier”, it should be “Soldato”.
    • All cinematics: “Soldier” should be “Soldato”, “Scout” should be “Esploratore”, “Sailor” should be “Marinaio”, “Second Sailor” should be “Secondo marinaio”, “Harbormaster” should be “Capitano del porto”, “Inca warrior” should be “Guerriero inca”
    • Blooc campaign, scenario “L’aiuto di un pirata/A Pirate’s Help”: “Seminole chief” should be “Capo seminole”, “Settler” should be “Colono”
    • Blood campaign, scenario “Templi degli aztechi/Temples of the Aztec”: “Aztec chief” should be “Capo azteco”
    • Blood campaign, scenario In the “Flotta del tesoro spagnola/Spanish treasure fleet”: “Inca prisoner” should be “Prigioniero inca”, “Ute scout” should be “Esploratore ute”, and “Inca prisoner” should be “Prigioniero inca”
    • Algiers historical battle: “Spanish Commander” should be “Comandante spagnolo”
      “Ottoman admiral” should be “Ammiraglio ottomano”
    • “Cristoforo Da Gama/Christopher Da Gama’s Expedition” historical battle: “Soldier” should be “Soldato”, and “Queen Sabla Wengel” should be “Regina Sabla Wengel”
    • Cuvas historical battle: “Settler” should be “Colono”, and “Strelet” should be “Strelizzo”
    • “Raid of the Caribbean” historical battle: “Spanish viceroy” should be “Vicerè spagnolo”
    • “Fort Duquesne” historical battle: “Captain De Contrecoeur” should be “Capitano De Contrecoeur”, and "Native scout"they should be “Esploratore nativo”
    • “New Orleans” historical battle: “Lieutenant” should be “Tenente”, “General”, shuould be “Generale”, “Choctaw Chieftain” should be “Capitano Choctaw”, and “Scout” should be “Esploratore”
    • Blood campaign, scenario “Contrattacco/Breakout”: “Colonist” should be “Colono”
    • Ice campaign, scenario “Difendi la colonia/Defend the Colony”: “Soldier” should be “Soldato”
    • Ice campaign, scenario “Strane alleanze/Strange alliances”: "Soldier"should be “Soldato”
    • And so on; the numerosity of these mistranslations shows this is a global issue, which makes me suspect a wrong link exists between character names and file which contains translations.
  3. Some unit names are untranslated:
    • All ships (they were translated in legacy Complete Collection): for example, “Paris burning” should be “Parigi in fiamme”
    • “Karankawa scout” should be “Esploratore karankawa”
    • “Kickapoo Scout” should be “Esploratore Kickapoo”
    • Native American chiefs (they were translated in legacy Complete Collection): for example “Four Bears” should be “Quattro orsi”
  4. In the “Meccanismo di percussione” technology, “Attacco Bordate danni” should be “Danni attacco Bordate”
  5. In cards and technologies which speed up food collection (Tecnologies: “Seminatrice” and “Fertilizzante artificiale” of mill, “Allevamento selettivo” of livestock pen, “Calendario Maya” and “Chinampa aztechi” of trade post, “Tramagli” of dock; cards: “Tecnologia economica” for Russians, etc.), “Raccogli velocità di lavoro” e “Raccogli velocità di lavorazione” should be “Velocità lavoro raccolta”
  6. In the Home city screen, “Go to main menu” should be “Torna al menu principale”
  7. In the “Templi degli Aztechi/Temples of the Aztec” scenario of Blood campaign, when freeing prisoners, message audio is “Questi guerrieri ti aiuteranno in battaglia”, text is “Questi guerrieri ti aiuteranno nella battaglia”, they should be the same
  8. In Skirmish mode, audio of messages “Avrai anche a disposizione degli strumenti nuovi, ma sai come usarli?” and “Un grande generale riconosce la sconfitta. Posso offrirti la mia resa?” is untranslated
  9. The “Proprietà” building name (ex-plantation) should be “Tenuta”
  10. The name for politician “Moschettiere del re” should be “Il moschettiere del re”
  11. The name for politician “Il naturalista” should be “La naturalista”
  12. Audio in cinematics of Art Of War is untranslated
  13. Name of “Four Bears” native chief is untranslated, it should be “Quattro orsi”
  14. In the “Tamburi di guerra” technology, “Le capanne da guerra vengono addestrate più velocemente” should be “Le unità delle capanne da guerra vengono addestrate più velocemente”
  15. Initial, final and dialogue audio of historical battles is untranslated
  16. In “Cristoforo Da Gama/Christopher Da Gama’s Expedition” historical battle, in last Sabla Wengel message, “Parlerò con lui della tua vigliaccheria io stesso!” should be “Parlerò con lui della tua vigliaccheria io stessa!”
  17. In Cuvas historical battle, Ermak is named Yermak in dialogues
  18. All references to colonialism have been removed, so “Colono” should be translated as “Abitante”
  19. Translation of flat-bottomed boat description is “Trasporta molti soldati e attraversa silenziosa il fiume Delaware parzialmente ghiacciato”. It’s used also in Cuvas historical battle (in which no Delaware exists), so translation should be “Trasporta molti soldati ed è in grado di attraversare silenziosamente i fiumi parzialmente ghiacciati”
  20. In Deck Builder screen, “By card types” is untranslated, it should be “Per tipi di carta”
  21. Audio of final cinematics of Blood, Ice, Steel campaigns is untranslated
  22. The starting screen of “Act I: Blood”, should be “Atto I: Sangue”; the starting screen of “Act II: Ice” should be “Atto II: Ghiaccio”; the starting screen of “Act III: Steel” should be “Atto III: Acciaio”
  23. In Ice campaign, Kà:nien is still named Kaniénke in voiceovers
  24. Hotkey description for “Find town center or capitol” is untranslated, it should be “Trova centro città o Campidoglio”
  25. In the cutscene before scenario “Il salvataggio/The Rescue” of Ice campaign, John says “Resisti, Nonahkee… stiamo arrivando”, but the text is “Resisti… stiamo arrivando”
  26. Some references to Nanyenke (now Ka:nien), Iroquois (now Haudenosaunee) and English (now British) are still following the old policy in translated audio messages:
    • Ice campaign, scenario “Il salvataggio/The Rescue”
    • Ice campaign, scenario “La guerra dei sette anni/The Seven Years’ War”
  27. In cutscene after scenario “La guerra dei sette anni/The Seven Years’ War” od Ice campaign, John says “Nonakhee deve restare qui”, but it’s not reported in text

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

:question: How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST.

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

I would like to add that there are probably some wrong tooltips regarding the advisers of the european civs.
For example:

  • The one that stated “Migliora i granatieri al rango X” (= upgrade granadiers to rank X) instead ships a fortress wagon.
  • The one that stated “Migliora gli alabardieri al rango X” (= upgrade spearmen to rank X) also upgrades crossbowmen.

I would suggest to double check every advisors description, these are the ones that were easier to notice.

Thank you

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Yes, and perhaps this is not only related to translation, but more generally to behaviour: the problem could be that those bonuses are wrongly assigned.

I’d propose fixing all translation issues by myself and sending fixed files to this forum, but it would result in breaking the contract license, right?

Fixed in version 100.12.5208.0:

  • Issue 1: now “EASY” has been translated
  • From issue 2:
    1. Blood campaign, scenario “Templi degli aztechi/Temples of the Aztec”: “Aztec chief” has been translated
  • Issue 20: “By card types” has been translated

Found in version 100.12.5208.0:

  • In the video after “The Boneguard’s Lair” scenario in Steel campaign, “Minion” should be “Soldato”
  • In the video before “Bolivar’s Revolt” of Steel campaign, “Seminole chief” should be “Capo seminole”
  • In the “Pacamayo” video of Steel campaign, “High priest” should be “Alto sacerdote”
  • In the “Water of the Fountain” video of Steel campaign, “High priest” should be “Alto sacerdote”
  • In the “Kidnapped” video of Fire campaign, “Oneida warrior” should be “Guerriero oneida”
  • In the video before “The Rescue” of Fire campaign, “Hessian” should be “Assiano”
  • In the “Militia” video of Fire campaign, “Minuteman” should be “Soldato”
  • (this list won’t be updated, it seems none of the speakers in videos has been translated)
  • In “Respect” scenario of Fire campaign, “Lakota chief” should be “Capo lakota”
  • In “Bring Down the Mountain” scenario of Ice campaign, “Miner” should be “Minatore”
  • In “Race for the Rails” scenario of Steel campaign, “Railroad boss” should be “Responsabile della ferrovia”
  • In “The Boneguard’s Lair” scenario of Steel campaign, “Native”, should be "Nativo, “Native chief” should be “Capo nativo”, “Second prisoner” should be “Secondo prigioniero”, “Prisoner” should be “Prigioniero”
  • In “The Lost Spanish Gold” scenario of Steel campaign, “Navajo scout” should be “Capo navajo” (refers to the unit in the treasure on the left of the starting position)
  • In “Bolivar’s Revolt” scenario of Steel campaign, “Spanish villager” should be “Colono spagnolo”
  • In “Last City of the Inca” scenario of Steel campaign, “High priest” should be “Alto sacerdote”
  • In “Last Stand of the Boneguard” scenario of Steel campaign, “Spanish villager” should be “Colono spagnolo”, “American captain” should be “Capitano americano”, “Soldier” should be “Soldato”
  • In “War dance” scenario of Fire campaign, “Oneida Warchief” should be “Capo oneida”
  • In “The Rescue” scenario of Fire campaign, “Oneida warchief” should be “Capo oneida”, “Inuit scout” should be “Esploratore inuit”
  • In “Breed’s Hill” scenario of Fire campaign, “Minuteman” should be “Soldato”
  • (this list won’t be updated, it seems none of the unit names in scenarios have been translated)
  1. Audio of final video of Ice campaign is untranslated
  2. Audio of final video of Steel campaign is untranslated
  3. In “Old Coot” video of Steel campaign, “Old Coot” should be “Vecchio tonto”
  4. Credits are not translated
  5. The starting screen of “Act I: Fire” is untranslated, it should be “Atto I: Fuoco”
  6. In starting video of Fire campaign, Amelia says “Ma la sua storia comincia sei anni prima, nel villaggio irochese in cui era cresciuto”, text is “Ma la sua storia comincia sei anni prima, nel villaggio in cui era cresciuto”
  7. In “War Dance” video of Fire campaign, many references to Iroquois are still in the audio but not in texts
  8. In the “Militia” video of Fire campaign, Amelia says “La confederazione irochese si sciolse”, text is “La confederazione delle sei nazioni fu spezzata”; then she says Alcuni si unirono agli inglesi, altri, come Kankenke e Nonahkee, sostennero la causa dei coloni", text is “Alcuni si unirono ai Britannici, altri sostennero la causa dei coloni”; then a soldier says “Voi siete irochesi?”, text is “Sei…?”
  9. The “Rapito” video of Fire campaign should be named “Rapita” (because a woman has been kidnapped) or more generically “Il rapimento”

Found in version 100.12.6159.0:
36. Starting screen of “Act II: Shadow” is untranslated, it should be “Atto II: Ombra”.
37. In Saratoga scenario of Fire campaign, “Completed player forts” should be “Forti completati dalle forze di Nathaniel”
38. In falconets statistics, “This is a tactical mode indicator” should be “Questo è un indicatore della modalità tattica”:

39. Audio of Shadow campaign is untranslated
40. In “The Bozeman Trail” scenario of Shadow campaign, the text of sentence “We’ve done it” said by Chayton when scenario is won is untranslated, it should be “Ce l’abbiamo fatta!”
41. The notification “Solo 10 unità alla volta possono riunirsi al Proprietà” should be “Solo 10 unità alla volta possono riunirsi alla Proprietà”

Found in version 100.12.6847.0:
42. “Japan 1528” and “China 1421” starting screens of The Asian Dynasties campaign are untranslated, they should be “Giappone 1528” e “Cina 1421”. “India” is untranslated, but English and Italian spellings are identical; other languages translations are presumably missing but I can’t check them.
43. Name of Chinese civilization (“Cinese”) should be “Cinesi”
44. Name of Indian civilization (“Indiana”) should be “Indiani”
45. In the initial cutscene of “India” campaign, “Si paziente amico mio” should be “Sii paziente, amico mio”
46. In second scenario of “India” campaign, “I nativi corrono a prendere il controllo della rotta del salnitro della Compagnia” message has no audio
47. Title of fourth scenario of “India” campaign, “Un incursione a Delhi”, should be “Un’incursione a Delhi”

Fixed in version 100.12.9476.0:
12. Audio in cinematics of Art Of War is untranslated
39. Audio of Shadow campaign is untranslated

Found in version 100.12.9476.0:
48. In the screen for setting profile icon, “Apply profile” should be “Applica”
49. In scenario “Home city shipments” of “Art of war” campaign, “Experience earned” should be “Esperienza ottenuta”

Fixed in version 100.12.10807.0:
48. In the screen for setting profile icon, “Apply profile” should be “Applica”

Found in version 100.12.10807.0:
50. When an enemy resigns, “RISULTA” appears in score list; it should be “SCONFITTO”
51. In scenario editor, object types are untranslated:

  • “All” should be “Tutti”
  • “Units” should be “Unità”
  • “Buildings” should be “Edifici”
  • “Nature” should be “Natura”
  • “Embellishment” should be “Decorazioni”
  • “Current” should be “Corrente”