Italy and Malta! Comment your opinion!

I would prefer having some symbol like the florentian flower to represent the Italians and not some revolutionary flag. Like a tulip coat of arms for dutch etc.

I think they’re neat.

What is neat mate? The coats of arms i posted or stg else.

I always felt that the production team gave too much to the new civilizations that it was difficult for the old civilizations to fight against him, for example I found that Italy had a card that allowed the scattered soldiers to attack restrained units first, did he consider this directly obliterate the combination of musketeers and cavalry. The principle of this combination was to use cavalry to absorb damage, and then attack with musketeers with higher attack power, so that any combination of musketeers and cavalry of any civilization would lose its meaning in front of Italy, such as Malta’s health increased by two percent every time a shipping unit was used. Malta without a ceiling is devastating in the treaty. The Malta command post will teleport troops, so for many novices and people who do not understand the new civilization in the treaty by the opponent before the battle begins to arrange explorers in the base will destroy a whole game, he let the hard work of forty minutes of game into a bubble, this will not affect the player experience, I am very much in favor of giving the new civilization something new, but at least it can make them look less outrageous and difficult to fight

Having watched a lot of the new content these last few days on twitch I think italy are a very strong civ, I don’t think they need a nerf but they are up there with other top civs like brit.

As for malta, in treaty they are really bad and really suffer due to things like the sentinel costing 2 pop and lack of a 2nd factory. Yes they can trade well but having a royal guard culv doesn’t make up for the lack of a factory and it’s at the expense of another royal guard unit which other civs have and 2 factories.
In supremacy it’s much of the same, they are weak to early pressure due to 2 pop sentinels which you need as they get boosted in defense, but it’s hard to afford the housing and they are very pop inefficient.
There’s little incentive to go to fortress to be aggressive due to no 2 falcs which I don’t mind but if you’re making a turtle civ then they need a decent eco, currently their eco is only good on natural resources with the card that boost gathering near tc’s and outposts. If you’re sitting in base though those resources run out and you go to age 4 and again just 1 factory.

The passive 2% buff also doesn’t make up for that, maltas cards are worse than italys which buff all cavalry or all infantry and the passive 2% only effects maltese units, not natives or mercs etc.
I really think they need that 2nd factory urgently. It’s not like you send 25 cards in supremacy, in most games you’re getting perhaps a 20% buff by the time you send your last card, USA can just chuck down the flag and get 10% attack at no negative cost, in fact they can get a 10% attack boost and also get a bank, church gold trickle etc so that more than covers a factory and their second should be removed. Assuming the logic behind the lack of the 2nd factory is due to their passive buff and defense bonus.

They really do perform poorly in treaty and that’s where you’re likely to have a large hp bonus from sending all the cards, so in supremacy it’s worse. Don’t get me wrong I love their units and passive bonuses/abilities but lack of a factory card was a really bad decision imo.

It didn’t really copy it, it’s not how cultural influences works

And for what is worth, a ton of european countries copied the French flag.

The tricolor was also used on a ton of different republics because it was commonly and purposely used by the risorgimento movements, and peoples like Mazzini or Garibaldi used it years before Vittorio Emanuele, which onestly by the way didn’t do much to unify the peninsula

It’s just that the streamers are making sentinels and treating them like ordinary musks
when in fact they are pop-inefficient esp when not near friendly walls outposts, and supply depots.

And they completely ignore hospitaller which damage sponging ability doesn’t require buildings and pikes and x-bows which get good cards. Crossbowen are the Royal Guard units that gets the 15% attack hp and combat cards and shares the boosts with pikemen which do get guard/imperial upgrades like brits, that is in addition to the 2% hp per card and regeneration. That means their archaic units are surprisingly good.

Groups of knights hospitaler also seem scary since it’s harder to focus them down since they would absorb damage from each other.


Their crossbow are great actually, they get up to 19 range as well so almost the same as a skirm then factor in all the cards and they’re better than some skirms.

I don’t really have an issue with their units, I like them all. My issue is it seems they removed a factory card due to maltas ability to get good trades in fights. Late game they just suffer because xbow require wood, no other skirm just a 2 pop musk. Malta have no other eco bonus to make up for the loss of the factory, italy at least get lombards which quite possibly are ven better than a factory.

Of course, as resources and time is scarce is what there is
that is why they reuse too many assets to make the civs and the same applies to all possible future civs:eg. Morocco (they would use the assets of the battle of the kings), Brazil (would use the assets of the Portuguese and the Mexicans), Persia (would use the assets of India and the Ottomans), Korea (would use the assets of China and Japan), and so on with a lot of other civs

Of course, I for example to Malta did not even have it on the radar for a European dlc and I thought that they were only going to launch Italy and already
 so it was a surprise that they had it well stored
 and yes literal that with the 30 maps it seems that they will launch a new game, more than an expansion for the same

I say the same
it is also good that they divided the European continent into dlcs as they do with aoe 2
and in this case they would divide it into seas: Mediterranean Sea (Italy and Malta), Baltic Sea (Poland-Lithuania and Denmark-Norway) and Black Sea (Georgia and Crimean Tartars)

No other skirm? Have you forgotten Portuguese tongue? With it you can get order cassadores to suppliment crossbowmen if wood is an issue and they do benefit from gunpowder depots.
They also have the infinite food for wood if the infinite 1000 card wood isn’t enough.


Yeah I know about the cassador, they lack upgrade cards though for late game when every other civ has all it’s units carded.
Still doesn’t make up for the lack of a factory though.

I think they still get the 2% hp per card bonus, and you still have one factory. I also wouldn’t underestimate the food for wood card because livestock. So I wouldn’t be that concerned about their wood supply,

I’d be more concerned about their ability to break a deadlock in those treaty games, they’re pretty good at defending, but what if the enemy were to switch to a defensive strategy to wear you out?

When I’m struggling with a stalemate the unit I look to are heavy cannons, one factory means less heavy cannon, Malta have fixed guns so I suppose that’s an option I think? I’m not sure.

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It’s most likely all that

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Of course, we are already getting very complaining about everything
 they put Italy because it was already playing and Malta as a gift for the classic fans who played the campaign 
 let’s not think about it so much and enjoy them while we can

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In fact Morgan IS the face of AoE 3 DE
 it’s on the very cover of the game xd

Morgan (left),Lizzie (right) and Nathaniel in the middle
the happy Black family :smiley:


I like devs choices. I dont care Italy and Malta arent clonial powers. I care about Age of 3 de to be great like age of 2 and I see that devs know this and love age of 3 de :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


6eo82b (1)

I just want to express my gratitude to the devs, FE and Tantalus for this new DLC, I dare to say that it is not only the biggest DLC/expansion of AoE3, but the biggest of the entire saga!

Finally, the work that Ensemble Studios is complete, after 17 years, since 2005 we were waiting for Italy and Sweden, we can finally say that the game is complete.

PS: I don’t know where I read it, but supposedly Incas was planned for TWC.


I actually always think the game should have broken away from the “colonial theme” constraint that no one enforced on it back in 2005. It does no benefit rather than limiting the potential of the game.
Now we can witness the its potential.