It'll be nice to have a feature to cancel units queuing from multiple buildings

possible to get this added? it’ll be such a nice addition to the game for casuals

right now if you queue from multiple buildings thats quickly done by using shift + train but to reverse that you gotta go into each building and cancel the queued up units

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It would bebuseful to have a combination of keys that csncel all of a type of unit you are clicking.

Another good feature could be Disable training from building option. This way, if you use select all barracks and queue units, disable barracks will not going to train them


Hi there, there is no need to open each building, as you can Ctrl+(Shift)+Click on units in the Global Queue to cancel them.

This feature was added in Update 42848 on Nov 17, 2020


YOOOOOOOOO!!! I never knew this was a feature!!

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me neither lmao time to test this out

As I understand what OP asked, what you say doesn’t solve it. Still you have to cancel each building’s queue one by one. I mean, Ctrl+Shift+Click in each global queue icon, depending of how many buildings you have.
For example, if I have 5 barracks and queue 50 spearman (Shift+Click 10 times while 5 barracks are selected), 5 icons with 10 units queued will appear. To cancel the 50 spearman I still have to cancel each barrack’s queue individually. Even using the global queue feature you said.

It would be nice another hotkey combination or an option to change Ctrl+Shift+Click behaviour to cancel all units of the same type from the queue

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