Jade Shadows : Pakal II of Palenque

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Hey Guys, I am the creator of the custom campaign. Lemme know what you guys think of this custom campaign? It took me a year to get the information right, especially when it comes to Mesoamerican History. It features different playstyle oriented missions, and has a lot to offer. If you have any queries/suggestions be sure to drop them here. Thank you <3

Ehi I just finished the Pakal campaign but I also played all your other ones. I particularly liked the Burmese and the Nubian ones although they’re still a bit unpolished, I don’t know however if you will ever feel like fixing them (there were problems with AI randomly resigning especially).

This one is an improvement in terms of polish and I enjoyed it as well although I think one issue I encountered is that it feels a bit repetitive. In the end in almost every scenario it all comes down to mass the flying serpents (very cool use of attributes btw!) and the modified plumed archers and start to swim against the infinite wave of enemy units. It doesn’t help the fact that this game has very few mesoamerican civs and units who make it feels less varied. I personally think there’s nothing wrong with enemies with infinite resources although what I usually do in that case is to put a delay to their unit creation otherwise it really feels, specially in the last scenarios where you have tons of resources too, like you’re just throwing bricks against the wall until it won’t break, killing the point of every strategic choice you may make.
Specially in scenario 4 (but I think 6 and 7 too) it’s really obvious that they make one treb or siege weapon after the other without delay and they’re so aggressive that they won’t even group their army most of the times but just send them naked against whatever unit they encounter. I read that other creators made the AI for you and I think they’re those who indeed usually make scenarios with endless spam of units. But again the problem is not the spam itself, rather the timing and “feeling” you give to it. Just a small delay and enemies grouping their armies would make it feel less repetitive with little effort.
This has nothing to do with difficulty btw, even the hardest scenarios of the campaign (the 4th and the last) were not hard in the sense of you having to figure out a strategy or play it smart but rather just a matter of how many units you can mass against the infinite enemy waves. So they never felt hard to me (although I’m not that good of a player, I pause and do not use hotkeys) but more of a test of patience and endurance. I almost never had to restart, just to sit there until the wall was breached so to say.

Anyway it was a great campaign, potentially one of the best round here, despite that little problem. The map design was really beautiful and detailed in particular and all the tricks and explosions were fun.
Oh I forgot to mention, maybe the second scenario could use a bit of rework. It reminded me a bit of a forgotten campaign with the side quest of fighting in the arena. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a great idea on paper although the fights are a bit too long imo (ten minutes where you basically wait for your unit to shoot down incoming enemies) and it’s a bit too punitive the fact that you can’t retry them if you lose just one. Specially cause you need to fight groups of siege onagers, heavy scorpions and other post imp units with either a band of infantry or archers. I guess you should either give the chance to retry the arena or take away some enemy unit or groups in the mountain passage.

Finally I’m the creator of Constantinople, Dihya and other campaigns (search “Lorenzo”), don’t know if you ever tried them, but I would love to hear what you think about them just in case! Thank you for your scenarios and good luck if you’re working on a new one already!

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Ahh, yes, they are pretty unpolished (had made them when I was still learning how to design scenarios lol, you can look at the landscape/triggers etc) haha. I am surprised to see it still being played by people XD.

I agree with you mate, the game has very little to offer when it comes to mesoamerican civs and all which makes things, less interesting. The AI is not different for each scenario, maybe thats why you might have felt it was repetitve, and yeahh, even I do feel the same like you. I will try to fix it in near future haha.

Thank you for noticing the details I put in the missions <3 I try my best to make my scenarios as beautiful as I can! Ahh, the second mission. The reason why I made it 10 minutes is because I wanted it to match with the time duration of the music I had put in 11, you need to be extra careful while traversing through the treacherous cliffs. I remember doing that mission more than once because my units would get squished by enemy units lol. I will still take a look at it, although I am really busy remaking my Nubian campaign at the moment. Thanks a lot for playing the campaign by the way! ^^

Oh wow! Didn’t expect another custom campaign creator to play my scenarios lol. Hmm, haven’t tried them out yet, but now that you have mentioned them, I will play them if I get time haha. Thank you once again for trying out my campaign pal, really appreciated <3 you too mate, good luck with your upcoming custom campaigns!

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